Who is Jesus?
These are some of the most important questions we face in life, but one of the most important questions we all must face is Who is Jesus? In this episode, we discuss who the world says Jesus is and give you the space to consider this question for yourself. We also discuss the Liar, Lunatic, Legend, Lord quadrilemma.
Scripture Covered
- Mark 8:27-29
- John 10:30
- John 14:6
- Matthew 7:21-23
Links Mentioned
- Free Bible Study Content by FOCUS: https://focusequip.org/
- Join us for our annual FOCUS conference SEEK23 (Jan 2-6 or virtual on dates of your choice): https://seek.focus.org/
- Support the podcast and Chad Etzel's mission: https://www.focus.org/missionaries/chad-etzel
- Meeting Room: https://focusmeet.webex.com/meet/chad.etzel