Today’s guest has had an opportunity to live and learn in residence at one of the oldest and most traditional yoga institutions in the United States, the Himalayan Institute, founded by Swami Rama of the Himalayas. After his 7 year residence, and combined with his degree in Biomedical Sciences, Luke has traveled and taught Yoga nationally, as well as internationally. We are very excited to explore the Depth of Yoga with Luke after such an immersion into the traditional roots of Yoga, Meditation, Asana, Pranayama and more. Luke’s experience, learning from the Masters, can shed some light on this ancient tradition and how we can effectively integrate a thousands of years old science into our modern daily lives. Much of the benefits provided by Yoga are even more important to cultivate today, as the modern world has undoubtably created a lifestyle that is everything but peaceful... unless we know how to allow the ever-present state of Joy the Masters describe to shine through. Namaste.