
  • The Means Justifies the End

    Perhaps we have heard the phrase "The End Justifies the End". The logic that follows that phrase is that whatever it takes to reach our desired goal is justified and worth it. But in the Christian journey, it's not quite that simple. As we'll be reminded, the means is just as important as the end. In fact, the means will justify our end. We hope this would bless you!

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    19 分
  • Rock Bottom

    Being at the top of life is fun and makes us feel like we're successful. Being at the bottom, however makes us feel like failures. But what if being at the bottom, at least in this life was the biggest blessing of all? What if at the bottom of life we met the Rock? We hope this would encourage you today!

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    17 分
  • IN Fidelity

    We want to be faithful people, especially to our spouses, but even most importantly to our Lord. And perhaps there is a better strategy for accomplishing this than just trying NOT to be unfaithful to Him. We will discuss the mindset and the method we must made in staying IN Fidelity. We hope this would bless your soul!

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    19 分
  • Goodie Two-Shoes

    In this life, there are people who embrace being bad and people who desire to be good. Sadly, the lines between the two camps can be pretty blurry. We will discuss the allure of being bad and the reward of becoming and behaving good...and how we accomplish this. We hope this might bless you!

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    17 分
  • Construction Disciples

    Construction workers are hard and determined workers because there's a lot of work to do and a lot of things to improve. Christ followers are much the same. We have the privelege of building the Kingdom of God, together with our Lord. We will discuss the motivation to build and the reward of building. We hope you'd be blessed!

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    18 分
  • Illusion Fatigue

    We live in a world of constant illusions and deceptions. And these illusions can cause us to believe lies and disbeleive Truth. But thankfully, the Lord knows this battle more than anyone, and He has sent us an Aid to help us overcome the illusions. We will discuss this Aid and how He gives us all the power and wisdom we need to beat the Illusion Fatigue. Blessings!

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    16 分
  • Peaceful War Mongers

    Are we as Christians supposed to live in peace or in war? The answer is "Yes". We will discus the pardox of being a Christ follower, and how Peace with God is a means to declaring War against sin and darkness - all for God's Glory! We hope this would bless you!

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    19 分
  • Full Tanks

    We typically enjoy and feel confident when our lives are FULL of good things. And nothing is better than when our joy is full. We will discuss why we need Full Joy and how and where to locate it, both now and eternally. We hope you'd be blessed!

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