What is The Gospel, according to the Gospel of Luke? Dr John Griffiths (Alphacrucis College) John wants us to see that the third gospel puts the spotlight upon what salvation is. Far from only having spiritual effects, salvation in Christ impacts every realm of our lives, from the physical to social, economic to political. Come with John as he takes us through the holistic gospel in Luke's Gospel.
Meet our Guest
Dr John Griffiths is Lecturer in Biblical Studies, as well as Diploma of Leadership and Ministry Program Director at Alphacrucis College, Sydney, Australia.
Dr John Griffiths – Alphacrucis College
Bible references during this episode
- 5:06 Luke 19:10 – Key verse for understanding the gospel according to Luke’s gospel.
- 6:20 Isaiah 61 – “…The Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.”
- 10:45 Luke 9:37-45 – Jesus casts out a demon from a boy and gives him back to his father.
- 11:20 Luke 7:11-17 – A funeral procession, a son resurrected and returned to his mother.
- 13:45 Luke 6 – The “Sermon on the Plain” and being a citizen of God’s kingdom.
- 15:40 Luke 4:14-30 – Jesus reads from Isaiah 61 and declares “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
- 16:25 Luke 12:13-21 – The parable of the Rich Fool.
- 16:30 Luke 16 – The parables of the Shrewd Manager, and the Rich Man and Lazarus.
- 17:55 Deuteronomy 15 – The Jubilee Year.
- 20:30 Matthew 5 – “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
- 21:30 Acts 2 – Community of believers sharing possessions.
- 21:50 Acts 5:1-11 – Ananias and Sapphira lie to the Holy Spirit.
- 22:55 Joshua 7 – Achan holds something back from God.
- 24:20 Luke 1 and 2 – Songs of Mary and Zechariah.
- 25:50 Matthew 20:28 – The Son of Man gave his life as “a ransom for many”.
- 27:30 Luke 24:13-35 – The Road to Emmaus.
- 27:40 Acts 1 – “Is this the time you will restore the kingdom of Israel?”
- 30:00 Exodus 12 – A “mixed multitude” joined God’s people.
- 34:00 Acts 2 – 12 Tribes, God’s Spirit and gathering the “exiles”.
- 37:40 John 14-16 – Jesus shares about The Holy Spirit.
- 38:00 Galatians 5 – The Fruit of the Spirit.
- 39:00 Acts 10 – Cornelius and the Holy Spirit.
- 39:50 Acts 8 – Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch.
Hosted by Ben McEachen from Hope 1032 in Sydney, Australia
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