The Hero’s Journey is a structured story arc, and common template, used by storytellers, from authors of ancient mythology through to Hollywood screenwriters. If you think of tales of heroes, be that Odysseus or Luke Skywalker, Perseus or Katniss Everdeen, you can see the underlying similarities.
A 17-step structure was proposed by Joseph Campbell in The Hero With a Thousand Faces (1949) and this was refined into a 12-step process by Christopher Vogler in The Writers Journey (2007). But both templates are based on a three-act structure of:
- Departure. The beginning, where the hero leaves their ordinary life.
- Initiation. The middle, where the hero overcomes adversity to get a prize.
- Return. The end, where the hero returns home but with new wisdom.
The podcast outlines the full twelve steps that make up the 3 acts of the hero’s journey with some examples from well-known stories, taken from books and movies.
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