BBB execute their rescue plan with the help of some friends. Said friends proceed to roll too many natural 20s.
Music Used: Chtulthu - Quincas Moreira; Deep State - Vans in Japan; Annihilate - Jeremy Blake; Epic Journey - Yung Logos; Future Gladiator - Kevin MacLeod; Sense of Humor - Max McFerren; Barbarian - Pierlo; Line of Flight - Revolution Void; Movie Rhythm 2 - Sunsearcher; The punkrock show - myfreemickey; Chase Scene - ROZKOL; A Chase - Houses of Heaven; Escape - Houses of Heaven; Diggy - Patrick Patrikios; Frank's Last Chase - DJ Williams; Honeybar - Rondo Brothers; Electro Fight - Kwon; High School Hero - Silent Partner; The Quantum Realm - The Whole Other; Satan's Choir - Coyote Hearing; Candy - Jahzzar; Four Corners - Mid-Air Machine