Mandy and Katie open up about the feeling of being taken for granted by their spouse in parenting and marriage responsibilities, and how good it feels to point the finger at their husbands shortcomings. But they eventually unfold the layer beneath that, where their role of loving well, appreciating what their spouse does offer, and owning their own shortcomings might just be worthy of discussion. They challenge each other to self reflect and shift their posture of critical correction to a posture of accountability and gratitude.
Weekly Spouse Check-In Questions:
- This week I am thankful that you...
- What did I do this week that made you feel loved and honored?
- Is there anywhere in our marriage where God is missing
- Is there anything you need that I haven't been giving you?
- Is there anything that I've done that hurt you?
- Is there something that I used to do that you wish I would restart?
- How do you feel about our split of responsibilities
- What do you think about our sex life?
- What's coming up next week?
- How can I pray for you?
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