
  • Bad Movies (MM #4932)
    I'm amazed at how many bad movies get made every year. I realize the word bad is subjective, but the number of films produced yearly is staggering. Now, I'm not talking about the big movies that make lots of money at the box office; these are the ones you only find on streaming services. Back in the day, they were the direct-to-video or DVD kind. Most of these get made with small budgets. But it's not the money spent on actors you may know or even the budget for location shooting. The key to these movies is the writing, and often, that's why they're so terrible... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66f0017703187').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66f0017703187.modal.secondline-modal-66f0017703187").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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  • Before You Dig (MM #4931)
    For years, you've been told to call before you dig. Anytime you have a project where you have to dig a hole on your property, you're told to call 811 so the utility companies can mark the places you need to avoid. The last thing you want to do is hit a gas line or sever a phone line. Even though we have no plans to dig holes, our yard is filled with painted lines. Google Fiber is coming to our neighborhood. We have both the pole and junction box where many utilities split off to go to numerous houses. While some neighbors are excited, most are upset that Google wants to dig up their yard... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66eeabbe5f733').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66eeabbe5f733.modal.secondline-modal-66eeabbe5f733").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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  • Flat Tire (MM #4930)
    I got a flat tire as we were heading back to Nashville last weekend. Fortunately, I had run flat on my car, so we were able to get home safely. With all of the construction throughout Nashville, I'm surprised I don't have tire issues more often. Flat tires are always a hassle, but at least tire technology has improved. The one thing that hasn't improved is the ease of getting your tire fixed. Even when you buy the road hazard guarantee, you still have to take time out of your day to go to the tire dealer and wait. They get to you eventually, but it's usually a lot of hours wasted... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66ed77dadee5b').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66ed77dadee5b.modal.secondline-modal-66ed77dadee5b").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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  • Chapter 11 (MM #4929)
    Rumored for months, it finally happened this week. Legendary storage container company Tupperware filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Famous for their at-home parties, Tupperware has struggled for years. As the world changed and everyone started shopping at big box stores, Tupperware held out, refusing to change. They reached their peak in the 1960s. However, women didn't have time to host sales parties when they joined the workforce. Since they filed for Chapter 11, the aim is to reorganize, reduce debt, and create a plan to turn everything around. But many wonder if it's too late... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66ec0c42e232b').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66ec0c42e232b.modal.secondline-modal-66ec0c42e232b").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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  • Superbugs (MM #4928)
    Years ago, I contracted a staph infection in my eye. And the one thing I learned from my doctor was that they had to guess the type of infection to create the antibiotics to treat it. I got lucky, and they cured the infection and saved my eye. My doctor explained how these viruses happen and how tricky they are to cure. Researchers are concerned about the increasing occurrence of bacterial infections. They fear that these so-called superbugs will appear more frequently. Researchers think these infections will kill tens of millions of people in the next 25 years... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66eb29625eb49').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66eb29625eb49.modal.secondline-modal-66eb29625eb49").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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  • Brain Cancer (MM #4927)
    For decades, people have claimed that radiation from cell phones could cause brain cancer. Because the technology is constantly evolving and still relatively new, there was no definitive answer to determine whether we should be concerned. Over the last 30 years, researchers have conducted over 5,000 studies to come up with a definitive answer. The WHO has finally given us the good news: radiation from cell phones is not likely to increase a person’s risk of brain cancer. While the use of wireless technology continues to grow, there has been no corresponding increase in cancer... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66e9c7054f7f1').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66e9c7054f7f1.modal.secondline-modal-66e9c7054f7f1").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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  • Cable And Satellite (MM #4926)
    Over the last few decades, you had numerous ways to view the programming if you wanted to watch something on TV. Cable and satellite television are often needed to watch more than just your basic local channels. But streaming services have changed everything. Right now, some are predicting satellite's demise, and perhaps cable. The companies that own the streaming platforms would love to eliminate the middleman and lock you into paying them directly. While many are ditching their current providers, will they go away? I doubt it, but everything is changing rapidly... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66eb296266c6f').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66eb296266c6f.modal.secondline-modal-66eb296266c6f").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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  • Too Early (MM #4925)
    Is it too early for stores to start putting out their Christmas decorations? My wife and I went to Walmart the other night, and they already had five or six aisles filled with holiday decorations. For some, it's never too early to start putting them together. Others think stores should at least wait until after Halloween. And then, of course, some feel you must wait until after Thanksgiving. I understand why the big box stores do it. Christmas is such an important holiday for retail shopping; the sooner people get into the spirit, the sooner the stores start making big profits... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66eab68aef9fc').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66eab68aef9fc.modal.secondline-modal-66eab68aef9fc").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
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