『The Operation』のカバーアート

The Operation

著者: Keny Whyt And Stargazer
  • サマリー

  • "Welcome to 'The Operation,' where we voyage beyond the known boundaries of our universe, exploring the enigmatic realms of extraterrestrial life, mysterious dimensions, and the uncharted depths of the cosmos. Join me, your guide through the cosmic unknown, as we unravel the secrets of the universe, peeling back the layers of reality to reveal the extraordinary and the inexplicable. Get ready to embark on a journey unlike any other, as we delve deep into the mysteries of existence, seeking answers to the questions that have eluded us for eons. We're your host Keny Whyt and Stargazer.
    Keny Whyt And Stargazer
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  • Types of ETs, Alpha Drecos, Dragons, Reptoids.
    The Alpha Draconians are a subject primarily found within the realms of ufology and conspiracy theories. Here’s an overview of the key points and claims regarding the Alpha Draconians: 1. **Origins and Description**: - The Alpha Draconians are often described as a race of reptilian beings said to originate from the star system Alpha Draconis (Thuban) in the constellation Draco. - They are typically depicted as tall, muscular, and lizard-like, with scales, claws, and sometimes wings. 2. **Role and Behavior**: - These beings are often characterized as malevolent and are frequently portrayed as the antagonists in various conspiracy theories. - According to these theories, Alpha Draconians are believed to be involved in manipulating human affairs, controlling governments, and exploiting Earth’s resources. 3. **Conspiracy Theories**: - **David Icke**: One of the most prominent proponents of the reptilian conspiracy theory, Icke claims that the Alpha Draconians (or reptilians) are shape-shifting aliens who have taken on human form to control the world. - **Underground Bases**: There are claims that Alpha Draconians have underground bases on Earth and on the Moon, where they conduct various nefarious activities. 4. **Interaction with Other Extraterrestrial Species**: - Theories suggest that the Alpha Draconians are in conflict or have alliances with other extraterrestrial species such as the Greys, the Pleiadians, and the Nordics. - The Greys, another popular extraterrestrial race in ufology, are often depicted as subservient to the Alpha Draconians.
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    42 分
  • Lyran Orion Wars
    3.75 billion years ago within an alternate Dimension and universe under the awareness of both a maternal and paternal Consciousness. A cosmic expansion was initiated effectively setting. The foundation for the creation of numerous universes. Including the one. We inhabit Leading. The exploration of this expansive domain with a luminous androgynous non-physical beings of the seventh density known as the Archangels. Also referred to as the Elohim or the Builder race identified as the partal. These entities were charged with the task of fostering, the emergence of life within this newly. Formed space-time continuum meticulously crafting galaxies planets and universes over. Countless eons following directives issued by the source. Eventually they constructed Celestial ethereal vessels for themselves and commenced the process of DNA molecule engineering. They face the formidable challenge of maintaining a 7D. Unity Christ Consciousness within a 3D physical form after 9.25 billion years of cosmic evolution. The conditions were ripe for the appearance of third density. Life forms Under the leadership of the androgynous partner Al figure named Yahweh. The partal or Elohim were captivated by a lush jungle Planet near the Orion Galaxy which offered an ideal. Nurturing environment for life, Their seminal achievement was the creation of a basic double helix DNA structure, Which laid the foundation for the evolution of plant and animal life. On this new planet Upon accomplishing this the group of tatal opted to manifest in 5D 4D and 3D physical forms taking on the appearance of their preferred planet dwelling creature. The avian birds This evolution led to their transformation into humanoid avians known as karyans. Marking them as the inaugural 3D physical Master, race of all humanoid species across, all universes and galaxies. In this era, the Korean beings developed a Fascination with an amphibious reptile, lizard that resided near the planet swamps and jungles Over eons the Korean successfully evolved these reptiles into fully developed reptilian bipedal humanoids Eventually leaving behind, their engineered reptilian species. Many from the carrion Master race ascended to higher densities and venture to develop alternative universes, leaving behind thousands of reptilian engineered eggs Across the vast. Multiverse Lucifer also known by the name ariman broke free from the void of the parental Consciousness. He emerged as an early Explorer of every universe and dimension created by the pothole Driven by impatience and a desire to independently craft his own 3D density. Life forms, ariman discovered, the planet of the Koreans and identified, the humanoid reptilian race engineered by the karyan. Partall, Fuelled by curiosity Ariman took the unhatched eggs of the reptilian humanoids and seeded them on a distant planet within the alpha draconis system, marking the origin of the master chia car. Also known as the master. Reptilian Draco race Lucifer not inherently malevolent, but motivated by self-interest, imposed. A 3D Matrix on the alpha draconian beings, where our Iman served as their Mentor. And master This 14 to 18 foot tall, Master reptilian race characterised, by their strength agility and predatory nature Possessed, scaly muscular skin in Shades, ranging from dark green, and black to Red or blue. They had large eyes with slit pupils sharp claws, on their fingers and toes and a long slender tail. That aided their balance Ahriman was sufficiently pleased to refer to these new humanoid beings as his offspring Every day. Digital technology is helping companies, bring new physical products, to life, from being like beings as his offspring. Sources: https://youtu.be/PyP3h5UGfjo?si=WI5tXMv9Kp7hyT0j https://youtu.be/93cUmcA2Py4?si=ItQArrmKfyvwZChe Instagram Handle: The Operation https://www.instagram.com/the.0peration?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2 WhatsApp Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaedR0DHgZWjMPhJd713
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    31 分
  • Types of ETs, Lyrans
    Lyrans are aliens from the Lyra constellation, Vega Star. Along with the Pleiadians, they are against the Reptilians, and have representatives in the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Elders of Cycles. There are different types of Lyrans. Cat-like Pleiadian descendants, Orions, Sirians, Avians, and Alterians, among others. They are star-seed hybrids, genetically related to each other. Most are considered benevolent, but some, like the Vega Lyrans, are more typically ruthless. There's a Lyran type who are light-skinned and dark-skinned, light-eyed, and hair ranging from almost white to a light brown. Their body types can be anything from thin to muscular. They are broadest category. It is believed that the Lyrans started migrating and colonizing other worlds millions of years ago. These worlds include the Pleiades, Hyades, Protion, Tau Ceti, Norca, and others. Many of humanoid extraterrestrials are descendants of the ancient dark-skinned and light-skinned feline Lyrans. Lyrans are fourth and fifth dimensional beings, capable of manifesting themselves physically. They are very strong and telepathic. Physically, they have tails, lion-like faces, and are covered in a golden, red, brown, orange, or white fur. Their eyes are one of yellow, green, or blue with large cat pupils. They have shorter, more rounded muzzles and ears than lions. They usually wear decorative clothing and walk in an almost upright stature. Their planet is in another universe and has pink grass, purple skies, and a large blue sun, or two. Their architecture is mostly domed and built of crystal. This planet was reportedly destroyed in a galactic war. They've also lived on a cold and desolate planet with green soil and two suns of different colors in the Sirian star system. The Lyran people came into our universe with a race of alien beings called the Master Race. In an undetermined time, they had a brutal war with the Reptilians and Arcturians, then colonized worlds in Pleiades and Sirius. Many eventually traveled to Earth, approximately one million years ago. At the time, Earth had been invaded by Reptilians from the Draconian Empire. Another war ensued, and the Reptilians were driven underground. They still work with Earthlings, who seek to better themselves both spiritually and physically. ⭐The extra-terrestrial species almanac/ Craig Compobasso The body snatchers/Susan Reed Elena Danaan Official / You tube
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"Welcome to 'The Operation,' where we voyage beyond the known boundaries of our universe, exploring the enigmatic realms of extraterrestrial life, mysterious dimensions, and the uncharted depths of the cosmos. Join me, your guide through the cosmic unknown, as we unravel the secrets of the universe, peeling back the layers of reality to reveal the extraordinary and the inexplicable. Get ready to embark on a journey unlike any other, as we delve deep into the mysteries of existence, seeking answers to the questions that have eluded us for eons. We're your host Keny Whyt and Stargazer.
Keny Whyt And Stargazer

The Operationに寄せられたリスナーの声
