Did you know that 95% of your daily actions are driven by your subconscious mind? That means that while you might consciously aspire for certain things in your life, like success, happiness, and fulfilment, your actions are often influenced by what's happening beneath the surface.
In this episode, I dive into:
* The science behind our subconscious thinking.
* The role of childhood and adult trauma on our current day patterns
* The subconscious and survival mode.
* The importance of nervous system regulation
* How to recognize subconscious patterns and the power of your awareness
* Techniques to shift your subconscious thinking.
* Overcoming obstacles to create lasting change.
If you need any support or would like a session please get in touch.
Instagram: @sachastewart_
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sacha-stewart-04319129/
Insight Timer https://insighttimer.com/sachastewart
Website: http://www.sachastewart.net
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