Have you even been told to ‘sit down and shut up’? Have you ever been stifled for words? Have you ever lost trust with your partner or workplace/confidant? Chances are, you’ve lost your power; the power to express opinions, suggestions and fears. Our guest today is Michela Quilici. She has a powerful story to tell about losing her voice and hiding in shame; then, thrive with courage. She’s been on a lifelong journey to reclaim her own voice and influence others to stand up and shine! Finding her voice, Michela reveals that it takes great courage and know-how to really own your value and communicate in a way people will “see and hear you”. She talks passionately about ‘Being Seen and Being Heard’ as the most important things you need, in order to live an empowered and inspired life. Are you hiding from thriving? Please join us to hear this amazing metamorphosis from mute to magnificent! Tues March 19th at 10am pacific/1 pm eastern on the Empowerment Channel with Voice America.