
  • Building Our Ahavas Yisroel Series: Why Should I Love Them

    This clip gives us an insight into the right mindset to become a real Ohev Yisrael.

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  • Getting Real Before Rosh Hashana Series: Just One Moment To Think

    The Reason we often don't make effective change is because the Yetzer Har gets us to be so busy that we don't have time to just stop and think about our priorities.

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  • Appreciating Hashem's Incredible World: Just Open Your Eyes

    All we have to do is start paying attention to the incredible brilliance, beauty, and perfection of this world and we can come to clearly recognize Hashem.

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  • Three Weeks Nine Days Series: There Once Was A Sun

    In this clip we get a feel for the fact that those that lived in the time of the Bais Hamikdosh were truly able to grasp its magnitude, and in turn the loss was so powerful to them. However we who grew up without it, unfortunately view life as normal not having a Beis Hamikdosh.

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  • Getting to Know the Yetzer Hara #6: Having a Yetzer Hara is Normal

    We can not think that having drives towards certain aveiros means that something is wrong with us. That is perfectly normal. This is the way Hashem created us, as having a yetzer hara and overcoming it is an essential part of our purpose in this world.

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  • Getting to Know the Yetzer Hara #5: The Secret To Beating The Yetzer Hara

    In order for us to beat out the yetzer hara we need to take a step back from our busy lives a make a cheshbon hanefesh. We need to think about our actions and if we are living up to our potential in this world.

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  • Getting to Know the Yetzer Hara #4: Yetzer Hara With A Long White Beard

    One of the yetzer haras tactics is to come to us with the 'frum yetzer hara', playing on our desire for spiritual growth, convincing us that the aveira at hand will bring us to higher spiritual levels.

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  • Getting to Know the Yetzer Hara #3: The Power of Imagination

    The Yetzer Hara uses the power of imagination to build up in our minds the false pleasure of an Aveira.

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