
  • 3. The Productive Household: Marriage Conference 2024 Session Three

    Dr. Rigney emphasizes the importance of godly masculinity and feminine virtues in marriage, highlighting the need for courage, sacrifice, and emotional composure. He discusses the challenges of dealing with intrusive in-laws and stresses the importance of leaving and cleaving to establish a strong allegiance to one's spouse. Rigney also emphasize the impact of family habits and patterns on marriage, stressing the need for a supportive community to navigate challenges effectively. The overarching message is about embodying a sense of gravity, stability, and hopefulness in one's role as a husband and leader in the family, while seeking counsel from a godly community. The session closes with a prayer for faithfulness in marriage and a reminder to trust in God. #marriage #households #sobermindedness #courage #husbands #wives #presence #argument #temperance #parenting

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  • 2. Marriage Pitfalls: 2024 Marriage Conference

    Dr. Joe Rigney recaps the roles of men and women in marriage, emphasizing the consequences of neglecting responsibilities and choosing earthly desires over God's commands. The story of Adam and Eve in the Bible is discussed, highlighting the curses placed on them and the challenges that arise in relationships. The importance of taking responsibility, understanding the origin and orientation of individuals in relationships, and striving for sober-mindedness is emphasized. The concept of servant leadership, obedience to God, and faith in His promises are key themes throughout the transcript. Ultimately, the message encourages individuals to navigate relationships with wisdom, integrity, and trust in God's guidance. #responsibility #marriageadvice #genderroles #relationshipgoals #selfcontrol #mentalclarity #emotionalstability #actionoriented #christianmarriagecounseling #communication . www.ReformedRookie.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheReformedRookie

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  • Courageous Headship: Session 1. 2024 Marriage Conference

    Dr. Joe Rigney goes through the creation account in Genesis 1-3 to show the headship of the husband and wife relationship. Dr. Rigney emphasizes the importance of a courageous marriage in the 21st century, based on biblical teachings. He discusses the concept of male headship rooted in creation, highlighting the roles of husbands and wives. This session delves into the complementarity of the sexes in God's design and the importance of faithful fulfillment of specific roles. Dr. Rigney discusses the parallel between Christ and the church and husband and wife in complementarianism. The roles of husbands in sacrificial leadership and wives in showing respect and honor are emphasized for a harmonious and fruitful marital relationship. # Building a Courageous Marriage: Understanding Roles and Aligning Actions In a world that increasingly challenges traditional values, understanding the biblical foundations of marriage is more crucial than ever. Today, I want to delve into what it means to build a courageous marriage in the 21st century, focusing on the roles of husbands and wives, and how these roles align with God's divine plan. ### The Cultural Controversy In recent times, the church has faced significant controversies, particularly regarding gender identity and the biblical understanding of what it means to be human. These debates are not merely academic; they have profound implications on how we live out our faith and establish our households. As conservative, Bible-believing Christians, we often find ourselves culturally marginalized for our beliefs in the immutable nature of gender as created by God. ### The Role of Marriage in Shaping Children The home is the first school of learning. Here, children first encounter and absorb concepts of gender roles. The way a father loves their mother, the respect a mother shows to their father, these early observations shape children's expectations of their own future roles. In essence, marriage provides a framework for understanding manhood and womanhood, which is foundational for nurturing Christian children who can navigate the complexities of modern society with biblical integrity. ## Understanding Manhood and Womanhood The Bible provides clear frameworks in Genesis and Ephesians about what it means to be a man and a woman. These passages are not archaic texts but living words that still speak powerfully into our lives today. For instance, Ephesians 5 calls wives to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, and husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. This mutual submission and love are indicative of the harmony God intends for marriage. ### The Indicatives, Imperatives, and Applications To fully grasp the biblical texts, we must understand three key concepts: **Indicatives**: These are factual statements about reality as established by God. **Imperatives**: These are commands or duties derived from those facts. **Applications**: These involve applying the imperatives in our daily lives in a way that aligns with the indicatives. ## Aligning Actions with God’s Commands The beauty of God’s design for marriage is seen when these roles are lived out according to His commands. When a husband exercises his role as head of the family with love and integrity, and when a wife supports her husband with respect and grace, the marriage thrives. This alignment is not always easy. It requires courage, faith, and a continual reliance on God's strength and wisdom. In the face of challenges, may we find the fortitude to build homes that are beacons of Christ’s love, truth, and grace. Let us hold fast to the truth, love earnestly, and lead our families with the courage that comes from God alone. www.ReformedRookie.com

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  • 4. The Armor of God: The Breastplate of Righteousness

    Pastor Anthony Uvenio discusses the importance of the breastplate of righteousness in the armor of God, emphasizing that righteousness is a gift from God through faith in Jesus. He explains the double transformation at the heart of the Christian message, with Jesus bearing the wrath of God for our sins. The righteousness of Christ is highlighted as a free gift that provides assurance and security in God's love, serving as protection against Satan's lies. Believers are encouraged to rely on Christ's righteousness, stand firm in faith and truth, and prioritize obedience to Christ over worldly success. Ultimately, the focus is on being faithful to God and recognizing the constant need for Christ's righteousness to save and transform. # The Breastplate of Righteousness: Standing Firm in God's Gift In the spiritual battles we face daily, it is vital to be equipped with the full armor of God. Among these pieces of armor, the *breastplate of righteousness* stands out as a crucial defense against the schemes of the devil and the spiritual forces of wickedness that we encounter. ## Understanding Righteousness as a Divine Gift Righteousness, in the context of spiritual armor, is not something we conjure up through our efforts or good deeds. It is, rather, a gift bestowed upon us by God. This concept is beautifully illustrated in the story of Barabbas and Jesus. Here, we see a vivid depiction of substitution where Barabbas, a notorious prisoner, is released while Jesus, the innocent, takes his place and faces crucifixion. This act mirrors the substitutionary righteousness we receive through Christ—where He took our place, bearing the punishment our sins deserved. ## The Armor and Its Old Testament Roots The apostle Paul, in describing the armor of God, draws heavily from the Old Testament, particularly Isaiah 59. This passage paints a picture of a society grappling with injustice and falsehood, much like our own times. It speaks of a Redeemer who comes to Zion, bringing righteousness and salvation—themes that are echoed in the New Testament portrayal of Jesus Christ. ## Standing Firm in Spiritual Warfare The breastplate of righteousness is our primary defense in standing firm against evil. It is not our own righteousness but that of Christ, imputed to us, that protects our hearts and fortifies our spirits. ## The Assurance of God's Love One of the most profound truths that the breastplate of righteousness assures us is the unchanging love of God. No matter our failures or the depth of our sin, the righteousness of Christ ensures that we are viewed as blameless before God. This is not because of what we have done but because of what Christ accomplished on the cross. His sacrificial love and the righteousness He imparts to us secure our relationship with God permanently. ## Eternal Life: A Gift, Not a Reward It is critical to remember that eternal life is not a reward for the righteous but a gift for the guilty. This gift is not something we earn but something that is graciously given. Our righteousness, the Bible tells us, is like filthy rags before God. But through faith in Jesus, we are clothed with a righteousness that is divine—perfect and pleasing in God's sight. ## Conclusion: Embracing the Breastplate of Righteousness As we continue to navigate the challenges and temptations of this world, let us cling tightly to the breastplate of righteousness. Let us remember that it is not our own goodness that defends us but the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ. In every spiritual battle, may this truth be the shield around our hearts, empowering us to stand firm and secure in the love of God. May we always rely on what God has done through Jesus Christ and stand assured in the righteousness that is ours through Him. Let us walk boldly, not in our strength, but in the power of His might and the assurance of His righteousness.

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  • 8. Confession of Sin

    www.ReformedRookie.com Podcast: https://anchor.fm/reformedrookie Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheReformedRookie Twitter: https://twitter.com/NYapologist Semper Reformanda!

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  • 33. 1 John 4:9-11: Love In Action

    In this sermon, Pastor Jensen continues to discuss what love is and how love in action saves. The podcast episode can be found here: www.ReformedRookie.comPodcast: https://anchor.fm/reformedrookieFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheReformedRookie Twitter: https://twitter.com/NYapologist Semper Reformanda!

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  • Proverbs 11:3: Self Deception
    A brief summary of this episode
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  • 3. Armor of God: The Belt of Truth

    Pastor Anthony Uvenio discusses putting on the Belt of Truth in the spiritual battle we are facing. #ArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare #ChristianLife #Ephesians6 #beltoftruth www.ReformedRookie.com Podcast: https://anchor.fm/reformedrookie Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheReformedRookie Twitter: https://twitter.com/NYapologist Semper Reformanda

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