I believe in getting big sh*t done even when nobody else is coming. I believe it to my core. This country is built on this concept. For me, one of those areas is mobilizing the GWOT Generation of veterans and military family members to solve wicked problems that supplement the gaps that are often not filled by the federal government. The abandonment of our Afghan Allies. The wildfires in Maui. The hurricane - ravaged hills of Western North Carolina. Our veteran network brings enormous horsepower to solving tough problems. It’s the ultimate private public partnership and it’s changing the game of how veterans can maintain relevance in a time when our country is extremely challenged. Task Force Pineapple is back and our veterans are stepping up in a big way. Give this episode a listen and then let me know: What’s your Pineapple Express?
I’ll see you on the Rooftop!
Own Every Room - https://rooftopleadership.com/owneveryroom/
Nobody is Coming to Save You - https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/scott-mann/nobody-is-coming-to-save-you/9781546008286/?lens=center-street
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