At the beginning, our newborn Association went through a period whose first goal was to reach out to Belluno workers scattered around the world. Often, news was scarce, and communication methods were certainly not what they are today. We relied on word of mouth and on the few bits of information collected in the countries of origin through family members, parish priests, and mayors. To the people we met, we appeared as a novelty, often relying on various Italian organizations: : Donatori di sangue, Alpini, Missione cattolica, Acli, Colonie Libere and so on. In those emigration countries, our fellow citizens had somehow organized themselves, staying, so to speak, "attached" to their village of origin, sometimes only through the long-awaited parish bulletin. The luckiest would occasionally receive a personal visit from the parish priest, allowing them to breathe the air of home for a few days. On this foundation, all invented by our "pioneers," the body of the Belluno Emigrants Association began to take shape and grow, later becoming "Bellunesi nel Mondo." By the end of the last century, it had already become an important and respected reality within the vast network of emigration associations in our country. Then, the inexorable law of life began to present us with the bill, and many "Belluno Families" started to dwindle, some eventually disappearing. Could we continue on a path that no longer offered hope, especially in some countries of old Europe? No, we had to look beyond the ocean and turn our eyes and ears toward Belluno communities that had remained almost unknown for a long time but were beginning to make their presence felt, thus invigorating the body of our Association. This process seems unstoppable. In fact, recently, Gioia Sacchet, from the ABM Eboard, and President Oscar De Bona, handed over the banner to the new "Family" in Pedras Grandes and to the new president of the Florianopolis one, both in the state of Santa Catarina. In other places, the bonds of twinning were strengthened with Massaranduba (still in the state of Santa Catarina), thanks to the presence of our councilor Luca Luchetta, and with Serra Gaucha (in the state of Rio Grande do Sul), visited by our councilor Rino Budel. All this shows that, in these times, it is easy to draw new life force from constant human encounters, also facilitated by communication tools unimaginable at the beginning of the AEB-ABM's history. Think of the website, Radio ABM, the Museum of Migrations, and so on. The discovery of common origins seems to bring the shores of the oceans closer together. This is demonstrated by the example of Bakhita Mbake Ngomba Nanyongo, 22, a student of the Degree Course in Arts, Music, and Entertainment Disciplines (DAMS) at the University of Padua, who chose to do a three-week internship at our Association: "I chose to carry out my internship at ABM because I believe in the importance of community and creating bonds with people with whom you can share both similar and different experiences." Born in Belluno to Cameroonian parents, Bakhita knows well the value of cultural exchange and decided to put it into practice. From all of this, it can be inferred that today, despite wars and violated rights, opening up to ever-new exchanges between people can offer hope, preventing us from being swept away by the chaos of a society in disarray.
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