They are Real! Many children, teens & adults have visits with non-physical beings such as Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, Fairies, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, and many more. In addition to having visits with these loving Beings, they may also encounter the non-physical beings who are not of the highest light and who can be frightening and manipulative. Pretending they do not exist only creates a sense of doubt and takes away the knowing of those experiencing them. Understanding that the non-physical is just as real as the physical, is empowering for all and truly acknowledge’s the awareness of those who perceive so much more. Join us as we share our experiences with Tristan, who has always been visited by these Beings, and how together, we have received their messages, helped many cross over successfully as they made their transition, and how we have empowered ourselves and others with effective tools that will send away those beings of a lower vibration.