Thank you for returning for my third Real Conversation from the C-Suite with Ms. Terri Wilson, founder and CEO of Doing HR Differently. As we continue exploring the subtleties of discussing hot topics without torching relationships, it’s important to note that even the most well-meaning people can get tripped up in failing to manage intent and impact. You may intend to have a thoughtful discussion, but if your timing or tone is off, the impact could be entirely different. Your discussion partner might feel like you’re dismissing their concerns, distracting from the real issue, or even trying to draw them into a frustrating debate. None of these outcomes lead to meaningful dialogue. So, here’s a suggestion: before even beginning a potentially heated discussion, be strategic about appropriateness by considering the places, spaces, and faces that are part of the conversation.
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Web - https://www.doctoranita.com/
YouTube - https://bit.ly/DrAnitaYouTube
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-polite-wilson-ph-d-77695b/