Todd Atkins is the host of the podcast The Todd Adkins Show, a show centered around MMA, and where he also host a weekly segment entitled The MMA conspiracy Hour. He served in the United States Navy as a sub mariner and became an avid fight fan as well as a martial arts enthusiast from an early age which is the passion behind his podcast. You can find the Todd Adkins show on YouTube.
Todd's Links
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@ToddAtkinsShow?si=0vXeGZ8LgDyDjKFj
Instagram: https://instagram.com/the_todd_atkins_show
Instagram (MMA Conspiracy Hour): https://instagram.com/themmaconspiracyhour
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/ToddAtkinsMMA
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@toddatkinsshow?_t=8kwb05UDrrf&_r=1