
  • Making Connections and Changing Lives

    Making Connections and Changing Lives

    In this episode of the True Tales by Disability Advocates Podcast, hosts MsBoye, Jennifer McKinney, and Adam Griebel present stories from disability advocates. The episode includes a reflection on Mesko's early advocacy and a reading of his story "Glen," followed by an interview with advocate Kyle Cox, highlighting the importance of community connections and perseverance. Guest host Toby Al-Trabulsi engages with Kyle about his advocacy journey, emphasizing the need for self-advocacy and the role of supportive relationships.

    Podcast logo ID: Bottom left Mesko wearing glasses and a flat cap smiles into the camera. Bottom right Kyle Cox male with short brown hair smiling, seated wearing a light blue button-down shirt, red tie. All above TRUE TALES BY DISABILITY ADVOCATES SEASON 3 Art Spark Texas

    Guest Bio

    Kyle Cox graduated from Texas A&M in 2018 with a degree in Political Science, then received his Master of Public Administration from the Bush School of Public Service and Government in 2020.

    Born in El Paso, Texas with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a progressive muscle disorder that is the leading fatal genetic disorder in children, Kyle has learned to navigate a world not designed for people with disabilities. He has fully immersed himself in both the disability and the “abled” communities and has adopted the mantra “It’s not the disability, it’s the ABILITY” choosing to focus on his abilities.

    While at Texas A&M, Kyle was involved in numerous campus organizations including the Diversity Commission, Beta Upsilon Chi (BYX) Christian fraternity, Aggie Adaptive Sports, the Bush School Ambassador's Council, the Symphonic Band, and the Hullabaloo Pep band. He was twice elected to the Student Senate and was elected to the Bush School Ambassador Council. He was also Chairman and Founder of the Disability Subcommission.

    Kyle served on the Student Advisory Board for Disability Services and the planning committees for the Student Services Building and the 21st Century Classroom Building. Kyle served as a delegate for the MSC Fall Leadership Conference and the Abbott Family Leadership Conference and has worked with many Texas A&M officials, Disability Services, and the Center on Disability and Development to improve inclusion and accessibility on the A&M campus.

    In the Spring of 2018, Kyle received the Gary Grey Accountability, Climate, and Equity (ACE) Award for his work in advocacy, and in the Spring of 2020, the Buck Weirus Award.

    Upon graduation, Kyle chose to remain in Aggieland and launched his own consulting company, Cox Consultants, which offers policy consulting and analytics to businesses and agencies.









    00:43 Welcome

    01:23 Episode Intro

    03:10 Mesko Intro

    06:32 Story - "Getting Older" by Mesko

    07:44 Hosts & Chris Chat

    07:47 Phenomena, not Conclusion

    12:15 Toby Welcomes Kyle

    14:02 Story - "Advocacy, Education, and Relationships" by Kyle Cox

    18:32 Toby & Kyle Chat

    18:32 Being a Self-Advocate

    22:23 Creating a Community & Being of Ser

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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    48 分
  • "Who Will Remember Us? The Warrior Spirit of Disability Advocates"

    Laughter, Legacy, and New Voices

    "Who Will Remember Us? The Warrior Spirit of Disability Advocates" is the kickoff episode of Season 3 of the True Tales by Disability Advocates Podcast, coming to you during Disability Pride Month. The new host team of MsBoye, Jennifer McKinney, and Adam Griebel bring fresh energy and humor to the show. Together, they introduce listeners to the impactful legacy of early advocates celebrating the legacy of early disability advocates with heartwarming and playful storytelling. Featuring guest Chris Strickling, one of the original creators of Actual Lives Austin, the episode shares engaging and humorous stories about advocates who have passed, like Terrell and Felix Briones. Their personal narratives provide a raw and honest glimpse into their lives, highlighting the power of storytelling as an advocacy for the right of people with disabilities to live full adult lives. Produced by Art Spark Texas' Speaking Advocates Program, the podcast highlights the importance of humor and authenticity in advocacy through storytelling while underscoring the importance of reclaiming lost voices and celebrating the contributions of those who have paved the way for future generations.

    Introduction to True Tales by Disability Advocates

    ​Welcome to True Tales by Disability Advocates Podcast, authentic voices of people thriving with disabilities, where individuals use the art of storytelling to change the world....

    Meet the Hosts of Season 3

    Hello, everyone, I'm MsBoye....

    Honoring the Pioneers of Actual Lives Austin

    We are starting Season 3 by looking back at folks who have paved the way for us ....

    Chris Strickling on the Power of Storytelling

    Tell us a little about those early days and the power of storytelling as a form of advocacy....

    Terrell's Morning Routine

    If you're ready, let's hear the first story. " Morning Routine" by Ter-rell...

    Felix Briones' Speed and Humor

    The next, uh, stories are from Felix....

    Memories and Impact of Actual Lives Austin

    Chris, do you have a favorite memory or story from your time with Actual Lives Austin?...

    Final Thoughts and Farewell

    Well, you know, this has just been so great....

    Closing Remarks and Call to Action

    Thank you for listening to episode one of the third season of True Tales by Disability Advocates Podcast....

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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    32 分
  • Smashing Ableism: Tales of Resilience

    Hey there, listeners! Welcome back to episode twenty of our podcast 'True Tales by Disability Advocates'. Ready for a deep dive into the theme of 'Smashing Ableism: Tales of Resilience'? Well, we've got two fantastic disability advocates with us - the brilliant Alina Arredondo and the charming Peter Richter. In this episode, they open up about their own life journeys filled with challenges, advocating for disability rights, supportive grandparents, and above all, demonstrating immense resilience. Alina pours her heart out about standing up for her rights and Peter shares golden nuggets on how gratitude supports his resilience. So, tie your seatbelts, folks! Tune in, and get ready for these genuinely enlightening narratives. Trust us; it's not just an episode, it's a vibe that will
    spark transformations!

    Guest 1
    Alina G. Arredondo is a native El Pasoan who was diagnosed with Phocomelia. She does not allow her disability to be an excuse for why she cannot do certain things. Alina has a license Master in social work and currently works at the local independent living center where she empowers adults with disabilities to live as independently as possible. During her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family, dogs, and friends, panting, and singing. However, what she enjoys the most is helping out her community by volunteering with multiple agencies around the El Paso area.


    Guest 2
    Peter Richter grew up in San Antonio and attended school and graduated from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. He has two brothers and one sister and a dog he loves named Winnie. He lives with two roommates and enjoys working at his job at Whataburger. Peter has been involved with Art Spark and was an original actor with TILT Performance Group where he was in productions for 10 years.

    Hosts: Jennifer Howell and Joey Gidseg

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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    42 分
  • Keep Calm and Carry On
    This episode features storytellers sharing their experiences of overcoming challenges while thriving with disabilities. Cindy Massey, a photographer and artist, tells her story titled "Finding Family." She recounts her journey to Africa, facing various unexpected hurdles during a safari. Despite the obstacles, she finds strength through the support of fellow alcoholics in Africa, emphasizing the importance of resilience and overcoming challenges. In part two, Kamand Alaghehband, a Special Olympics athlete with Autism, shares her story of perseverance after a morning crisis before a track competition thanks to the support of her teammates, highlighting determination and teamwork. The episode explores the power of resilience, adaptability, and finding strength within a community.

    Guest: Cynthia (Cindy) Massey is a photographer and artist. For more than 10 years, she built a successful career in weddings, sports, and animal photography. In 1992, her life changed forever, when she was in a near-fatal automobile accident that left her with a traumatic brain injury. The experience was a wake-up call and the road to recovery meant re-learning simple tasks like walking, talking, eating, reading, and even photography. It gave her the chance to take a long, hard look at who she was, and it led to a new direction in the way she approaches life. She believes she has been given a second chance to begin a new life with a greater appreciation of the beauty of our earth and its creatures. You can see and purchase her work on her website https://www.creativeimagesbycynthia.com/ and Fine Art America

    Host Kaye Love - Kaye has over eight years of experience working with individuals with developmental and learning disabilities, including Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder, in Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation. She has experience providing spiritually sensitive counseling to clients who identify with diverse belief systems. LinkedIn: J. Kaye Love, MSSW/MBA, LPC, Counseling on Thrive: Thriveworks Counseling - Janet Kaye Love
    Guest Kamand Alaghehband: Kamand Alaghehband was born in Austin, TX, and has autism. Kamand has spent her life supporting all generations with disabilities. Kamand loves the Special Olympics; her favorite sports are swimming, basketball, and track. She is a member of the Executive Committee of Special Olympics Athletes Leadership in Texas. She creates podcasts, TikTok videos, video games, and health activities. Kamand’s mission within her population is to bring peace today and create a vision for tomorrow’s disabled population. Watch Kamand’s videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@mespecial8588.

    Host Jennifer McKinney was born legally blind. She has always enjoyed reading and writing. Some of her work has been published in Soupstone Literary Anthology. Despite the challenge of being visually impaired, Jennifer graduated from American Broadcasting School. She went on to work for KOOP 91.7 FM, a community radio station in Austin. An active member of her community for the past nineteen years, Jennifer joined Art Spark Texas in the Spring of 2014. In

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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    40 分
  • Someone to Light My Fire

    Step into the life of Albert 'Sparky' Metz, a relentless disability rights activist and country music fan who's been championing the rights of the disabled since his formative years. From his institutionalized childhood to his fiercely independent adulthood, Sparky's journey is as captivating as it is inspiring. Through it all, Sparky's spirit remained undeterred, fueling his passion for advocacy and his love for music.

    Join host Joey Gidseg, who chats with Sparky and his attendant Pansy as they shed light on Sparky's experiences and challenges in his quest for independence and true love. Get familiar with the Speaking Advocates program, a virtual training initiative designed to teach people with Disabilities to use storytelling as a form of advocacy. As we listen to Sparky's 2015 performance at the Vortex Theatre in Austin and hear his story through his personal AAC device, we realize the transformative power of stories in advocating for change, inclusivity, and disability rights. So, buckle up, lend us your ears, and support our mission of amplifying the voices of people with disabilities. Rate us on iTunes, share this episode, and join our movement towards a more inclusive world.

    Sparky is an actor and disability activist. He is a member of ADAPT of Texas and a big country music fan. He leads an active life and depending on the day you can find him at Morgan’s Wonderland, going shopping, or attending Christian concerts. Sparky lives in Austin, Texas with his attendant and two cats, Smoke and Phoenix.

    Keep up with Sparky on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/albert.metz3

    To learn more about Adapt click this link.

    Joey Gidseg is an enthusiast of podcasts and disability policy who works to close the Justice Gap for disabled Texans through their organization Justice in Reach. A former multimedia producer, Joey is thrilled to collaborate with other disabled creators on the second season of Art Spark Texas’ podcast,True Tales by Disability Advocates.You can connect or keep up with Joey on their Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin:
    Learn more about closing the justice gap at https://www.justiceinreach.org/

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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    24 分
  • From Self Advocate to Red Hat Lady

    Storyteller Renée Lopez has lived a life of activism, challenging disability stereotypes, and deep friendships. She returns to True Tales with a new story "Me, Myself, and Sandra" about her experience as a Freshman at UT Austin. Host Kristen Gooch and Renée chat about Renée’s passion for social justice and her 40 years of Activism, fighting for Liberty and Justice for all. Their discussion covers what Renée’s learned about self-advocacy, to her understanding of government oppression, her fight for accessible housing to her support of Black Lives Matter, as well as the importance of self-care and the power of friendships over 60 and becoming your own version of the Red Hat Ladies.

    Guest Renee Lopez

    I am a 61-year-old woman with a physical disability (I use a wheelchair).
    I was born and raised in Austin, Texas. I have lived here my entire life.
    I graduated from the University of Texas in 1984 and 1986 with a BA and an M.Ed. respectively. I worked for the State of Texas for 30 years and am now retired. I have a long history of advocating for the rights of people with disabilities since 1982 as a student at The University of Texas. As a student with a life-long physical disability, I joined other students with disabilities for campus accessibility. I continue to advocate to this day.
    I have been on the Advisory Board for SAFE Disability Services since 2010. I have attended conferences on behalf of SAFE as a workshop presenter teaching and informing conference attendees on issues of violence and abuse against persons with Disabilities. I am also a member of a core group of a coalition put together by the VERA Institute of Justice on ending violence against people with disabilities.
    Social media: https://www.facebook.com/renee.lopez.31945
    Renee’s Accessible Housing video - AHA Renee Lopez Accessibility Home Tour
    "How Lucky" by Will Leitch

    Host Kristen Gooch

    Kristen Gooch is an Actress, Poet, and Advocate from Austin, Tx with Cerebral Palsy and uses a wheelchair for mobility. She hopes to broaden her horizons and branch out into film and television someday. She currently facilitates a peer support group called Adapting Sheros for women with mobility disabilities through Imagineart. She is a company member of TILT Performance Group and the Paradox Players.

    Music Credits

    1. Music by Scandinavianz from Pixabay
    2. chikumbumtima-16488 pixabay.com
    3. intro-effect-music-112907 pixabay.com
    4. Isn't Life Amazing -BBMusic Pixabay.com
    5. short-ukulele-jingle-cheerful-happy-and-bright-148415 Music by ShidenBeatsMusic from Pixabay

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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    46 分
  • The Next Generation Showcase

    "The Next Generation Showcase," is a special bonus episode of True Tales by Disability Advocates, the podcast where Advocates harness the power of storytelling to bring community to their peers and hope to develop empathy and others.

    The stories featured in this episode are written by fledgling storytellers from the Austin Independent School District Go-Project. The GO Project is a community-based transition program for students with disabilities who are 18-22 years of age.

    If you are a regular listener, you'll notice a change from our regular story slash interview format. For the first time, this episode includes more than two stories, just stories, no interviews. You'll get to hear seven short stories with topics ranging from Self-acceptance to Crunchy Barbecue Crickets, as well as Family Belonging, Speaking up, and Passions for Zombie Movies and Exercise.

    Stories and Storytellers

    "Speaking Up" by Adrian

    "The Start of Finding My Truth." By Maddison

    "Travel With Family" by Miranda

    "Zombie Movies and Me." By Julio

    "Belonging" by Chloe

    "Musical Baking" by Abigair

    "To Eat, Jump Rope and Family Time." By Dezi

    We had so much fun working with these young folks and we are honored to share with you the work of these talented storytellers. Special thanks to the Go-Project staff - Laney, Sam, Mike, and Lori and our volunteers, Emily and Sulith, we couldn’t have done this without y’all.

    Welcome you to the Next Generation Showcase.

    Music Credits

    Scandinavianz Sunbathers – 7385

    Feel the Sunshine - https://pixabay.com/users/oystudio-24430395/

    Feeling Good – Pixabay.com

    Stages of Grief – Kevin MacLeod-funny-

    Jolly Boat – Pixabay.com

    Halloween-spooky-horror-scary-creepy - https://pixabay.com/users/soundgallerybydmitrytaras-11640913/

    Zombie - 315844__gneube__zombie-snarl

    Comedy - https://pixabay.com/users/soundgallerybydmitrytaras-11640913/

    Cumbia Mexican Banda - https://pixabay.com/users/juliush-3921568/

    Summer Walkways - Pixabay.com

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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    29 分
  • Awkward Moments

    "Awkward Moments" is being launched in March 2023, featuring two female storytellers with international stories in recognition of International Women's Day. For the first time, we feature a member of our multi-talented working group as storyteller and host. Host Kamand Alaghehband opens the episode with "London Calling", by storyteller Jennifer McKinney, about an awkward moment with her cane when riding the tube during her first trip to London, that in retrospect, reveals her ability to be independent.
    Jennifer becomes the host for our second story “Matu Bird” by storyteller Alisha Momen. Alisha shares her ongoing battle with her beloved African Grey Parrot “Matu.” Alisha’s favorite religious and cultural events include her favorite Indian dishes. Since Matu loves the same dishes, Alisha has to figure out a way to avoid the awkward moment of Matu stealing her food at these family celebrations. Can she and Matu find a way to coexist peacefully, that honors them both?
    Did you know March 19th is Awkward Moments Day. Awkward Moments Day is our chance to embrace those embarrassing or awkward moments from our past and learn from them, and hopefully laugh about them too.

    The great thing about us humans is that we are all a beautiful tapestry of individuality and commonality. The great thing about awkward moments is that they are a bridge between our individual and shared experiences, they connect us, everyone has them, and they are part of being human. Awkward moments can be embarrassing but when we recognize everyone has them we can turn them into playful stories that build connections. We hope this episode highlights the gifts and resilience an awkward moment can offer us all.
    Storyteller and Host Jennifer McKinney was born legally blind. She has always enjoyed reading and writing. Some of her work has been published in Soupstone Literary Anthology. Despite the challenge of being visually impaired, Jennifer graduated from American Broadcasting School. She went on to work for KOOP 91.7 FM, a community radio station in Austin. An active member of her community for the past nineteen years, Jennifer joined Art Spark Texas in the Spring of 2014. She was introduced to OMOD by a friend. In her spare time, Jennifer loves traveling abroad and singing along with the radio poorly.
    Storyteller Alisha Momin is from a Muslim, Ismaili Hindi family living in Houston, Tx. She is a writer, artist, musician, singer, and dancer. She studies theatre arts at The River inclusive arts program.
    Host Kamand Alaghehband - My name is Kamand Alaghehband. I was born in Austin Texas and I have autism. In 2020 the CDC reported approximately 1 in 54 children in the U.S. diagnosed with autism ratio is more than all cancer patients combined. But what about us? what happens to our future? What kind of jobs and lifestyle is available to support us? I am me, I am Kamand. I love Special Olympics. My favorite sports are swimming, basketball, and Track. I am a member of the executive committee of Special Olympics athletes leadership in Texas. I created podcasts and videos of various health activities during the pandemic to keep the athletes' minds occupied in a healthy way. My mission with my population is to bring peace for today and create a vision for tomorrow. I feel grateful for what I have. I choose to be thankful. I choose to be happy.

    Click here to listen with the full transcript.

    For more details about our programs go to Art Spark Texas, True Tales Podcast Page.

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