How are you Chillers! In this podcast, we talk about whether Opposites really do Attract!
Between Clair and I, we have a lot things that we don't necessarily agree on but the good thing is it works out! Listen to hear more how it works out for us and maybe you guys can see that being opposites can be a good thing too!
We apologize for not being able to check whether our podcast really uploaded on our platforms. We usually schedule all our posts, and this is the first time that this has happened. We'll try and be diligent from now on but we appreciate you guys being really chill about it!
We might do a GIVEAWAY soon for Christmas, so stay tuned!
Thank you as well to our sponsors TESCOR Productions and, of course, Greatway Financial! If you want to avail their products and services, please visit them on their site below and don't forget to listen to the podcast to know our promo codes for both.
TESCOR Productions:
K's Chibog: https://www.instagram.com/kschibog/
Book a free consultation with us about your finances, especially about retirement strategies, life insurance, educational plans, health plans, debt counselling, etc., at https://calendly.com/clair-marvin/
Thank you very much again for your support! We're still really overwhelmed by your guys' reception. Please continue it! Chill you with again next week!
Reach us at https://www.tiktok.com/@clairbbc if you have any questions, comments, or recommendations for topics! Thank you for listening Chillers!