
  • Voicing Your Opinions

    Guess who's back, back again? Sorry for the unannounced break. Today, I'm talking about voicing your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and perspectives with higher-ups and your broader team. Sometimes it goes well and sometimes it doesn't. I have learned a lot about myself and how to navigate opinions throughout my time in marketing - although I have a lot more to learn. In this episode, I share some highlights and lowlights of expressing similar and differing opinions aloud.

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    33 分
  • So Fresh, So Clean Data

    "Do you wash your legs in the shower?" Who cares! Move aside, weird internet controversy - we've got a different kind of hygiene to talk about. Data hygiene! For those who are new to the concept, learn the difference between dirty data and clean data, and find out why it's so important to maintain a healthy, clean database.

    What can you do to establish a good data hygiene process? Plus, I mention a few solutions to look into if you're planning to enrich your lead data add new contacts to your database!

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    27 分
  • How Does My Makeup Look?

    Okay, this episode is indeed about makeup so if that's not your jam, feel free to skip this one. Why am I talking about makeup? Because it plays a role in the day-to-day lives of many marketers. And while it seems trivial, and to some extent it is, there is still a lot of thought that goes into putting on makeup and considering how others may perceive it.

    I share some of the thoughts and questions that run through my head before I represent a company at a conference or present myself in interviews and meetings. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well! Do you see makeup as a form of self-expression? Does it boost your confidence? Or does it perpetuate patriarchal gender stereotypes? What kind of thoughts (positive or negative) run through your head when you get ready for work?

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    15 分
  • Schooled on Google Analytics

    If you're like me, you've used Google Analytics for years but can't really remember how you learned it. And, if you learned it properly? Well, I decided to take the beginners and advanced courses on Google Analytics Academy to brush up on my skills and see how well I've done on my own. Turns out, I'm doing pretty good but there are definitely some ways I can be more efficient at web analytics. Don't worry - I'm not trying to summarize the course here. In this episode, learn about the format of the courses and why I think it's worth spending some quality time with Justin and Krista (the instructors of the courses). Also, what do you think - are their shirts purple or blue?

    Also, bonus: Learn how to eat a kiwi fruit efficiently.

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    25 分
  • Let's Chat Copywriting

    Guest alert! Today, I welcome professional copywriter Micah Lambert to the podcast. In this episode, Micah offers up some amazing practical tips for improving website copy. She also lists affordable software copywriters can use to help deliver quality results (aka sales) to their clients. If you're interested in becoming a copywriter, Micah's journey is definitely worth a listen.

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    41 分
  • An Introvert in Marketing

    That stereotype of all marketers being outgoing and extroverted? Not true. There's room to play for personalities of all sorts in marketing. However, there are some scenarios that an introvert might like to avoid. 4-day conferences, anyone? On the other hand, there are some cases where introverts are often the best fit for the job. 

    In today's episode, I highlight both ideal and less-than-ideal situations I've encountered in B2B marketing that have left me energized or, well, exhausted.

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    23 分
  • The B2B Majority Says...

    Today, I share findings from 2 different surveys of B2B marketers. Find out things like: top business priorities for marketers, what challenges come with generating new leads, which channels produce the best ROI...Do you agree with the majority? If not, let me know!

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    22 分
  • Let's Chat Social Media Marketing

    Guest alert! Today, I'm joined by Terence Vance Crouch, social media marketer and founder of Crouch Digital. He has so much amazing insight on how companies can leverage social media for b2b marketing. One of his big takeaways? Be genuine! This is an episode you don't want to miss!

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    48 分