The vocational calling of all of God’s people is to represent Him in this world as He brings the kingdom fully to fruition. We are integral to God’s plan to reconcile all things to Himself, and get as many people as possible back to Him.
If you practise the way of Jesus, I believe you want to accept this mandate. You want to see your one more come to know God’s love. You want to invite them to meet Jesus and His people. But we have an issue. Though we want to see our friends, family, and neighbours know Jesus' love for them, we do not share the good news or invite them to worship.
Why? We fear rejection and alienation. I get it. There have been extended periods in my life while I was a pastor, and the only time I invited others to know Jesus’ love and Jesus’ people was when I was speaking publicly. I have had extended seasons where I did not attempt to interpersonally introduce people to Jesus and His people.