• Vigilance for the Endtimes, Episode #46; "Walking in the Sustaining Power of the Grace of God"

    More and more, I am profoundly and overwhelmingly convinced that it is the grace of God that is going to sustain and empower believers in these endtimes, probably more than anything else.

    Walking in God’s grace is not a subject that I have seen taught on very much, and upon reflection, I think that in the minds of most believers Grace is a very vague subject, largely due to the religious treatment of the word, which has created more misunderstanding than spiritual clarity.

    The majority of believers I have known over the last several decades simply lack a solid understanding of how to embrace and walk in the grace and favor of God.

    When appropriating a True understanding of the spiritual blessings that God has already provided for each one of us, the starting point is very clearly laid out by the apostle Paul when he says, “This is what we speak, not in words taught to us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words” (1st Corinthians 2:13).

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  • Episode #45, The Power of Living as a New Creation, Part 1; Laying the Foundation

    The New Testament reality of Living as a New Creation from our reborn spirit is the most vital subject any Christian believer will ever undertake to comprehend and walk out.

    Absolutely Every single aspect of what we could call “the Christian life” stems from this one reality. There is nothing---absolutely Nothing!---that you could ascribe to the Christian life that does not Begin with understanding how to live from your reborn Spirit as a New Creation in Christ Jesus.

    If you can continually keep that One thing in mind, you will progress more quickly and with greater enablement from the Spirit of God, than probably anybody around you who relies strictly on religious thinking and religious activities.

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  • Episode #44, God’s Plan for Renewing Your Mind, Part 2; Graduating From Milk to Strong Meat

    The entire revelation of the Word of God is you and I becoming mature Sons and daughters through the Spirit, through the living Word, and as we grow in maturity, we grow more and more into selfless, devoted fellowship in relationship with our Father God, with His Son, and with the Holy Spirit. One primary characteristic of the milk of the Word is that it is meant to reorient your perspective from fleshly thinking to spiritual thinking, beginning with your own brand new identity as a new creation in Christ Jesus. In short, the milk of the Word is meant to wean you from SELF.

    Paul said “the end of the commandment”, the whole goal of all spiritual learning in God’s economy, is so that we will enter into True fellowship and relationship with Him, that comes through a clean conscience and pure, sincere faith.

    The closer you get to maintaining a clean conscience and possessing pure, sincere, living Faith, the closer you get to knowing that you are now on spiritual meat, and no longer just an infant requiring milk.

    The reality is that when you begin experiencing revelation from the Holy Spirit actually becoming a living part of you, that is when you know that you are moving from milk to meat— because when you are able to be taught by the Holy Spirit, and receive the things that he is personally teaching you as your personal tutor—the third person of the Godhead living inside you, tutoring you and teaching you one on one—all of a sudden, the Bible isn’t just a book anymore; it’s your living, breathing, spiritual manual in which you and the Holy Spirit have conversation and relationship every day, minute by minute.

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  • Special Weekend Edition; “God’s Plan for Renewing Your Mind” (Episode #43)

    It is virtually impossible to overestimate the importance our mind plays in determining our ability to walk in the spirit and our capacity to walk in and enjoy spiritual liberty. After 44 years in the Lord, I am completely convinced that our mind is either our greatest blessing and doorway to walking in the Spirit, or it is our greatest hindrance to walking in the Spirit.

    Because we are spirit, soul, and body, there are many things that impact the renewing of our minds that will have to encounter the Holy Spirit working in our spirit, in order to create a change in our thinking process--especially if we have experienced significant traumas and hurts early in our life, especially during early childhood. In this case, we must have the help and aid of the Holy Spirit working in our innermost being, to bring about the healing that is needed, so that the strongholds in our minds (which were a result of those traumas) can be healed and corrected.

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  • Episode #42, The Kingdom of God Suffers Violence, Kingdom Conflict; Part 3: Satan‘s Last Throne

    “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” The Word of God already tells us the end from the beginning.

    It already informs us that all the inhabitants of the world will worship the beast. It informs us that the two witnesses from God will be killed, and the entire world will celebrate and send each other gifts to commemorate the wicked occasion.

    These two worldwide events indicate the state of the world as being more wicked than anything we have imagined in our lifetime.

    It is going to be supremely satanic in nature, and understanding this and accepting this God-foretold eventuality NOW, will empower us to begin doing everything required to fortify ourselves spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, for an event that is going to catastrophically impact this world.

    It is going to be unlike anything this world has witnessed since time immemorial, since the perfect Lucifer fell from his perfection, and attempted to seize this world for his very own…and, as he moves one last time to seize it again….

    Being completely spiritually informed of how God in His majesty, His righteousness, and His might moved back then to redeem what rebellion had destroyed, will serve to strengthen our faith as we await our Redeemer’s Almighty intervention at the end of This rebellion.

    There is a recurring phrase in connection with the events of Revelation that we must go through, and that phrase is “Here is the faith and patience of the Saints”.

    That must become our recurring focal point, as we proceed in laying a spiritual foundation in our hearts and minds on this subject.

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  • Episode #41, The Kingdom of God Suffers Violence, Part 2: The Invisible War

    There is nothing more satanic than a religious system that opposes the operation of the Body of Christ as God intended it. The Universal acceptance of this one spiritual aberration reveals just how distorted & blurred our spiritual perception has been, resulting in the primary Enemy of God & His People remaining largely undetected and unchallenged in virtually every spiritual arena. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we continue our panoramic look at the beginning of spiritual conflict in the universe, beginning with the fall of Lucifer. We will continue our focus on the scope of that initial conflict, and its ramifications all the way up to the end of the Age.

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  • Vigilance For the Endtimes, Special Bulletin: Spiritual Harvest Initiative for 2023

    This is a special bulletin message that the Lord has laid on my heart tonight, especially for those who strongly feel led of the Holy Spirit to minister to the families in your communities, but you simply have not known how to go about it.

    It is my overwhelming spiritual conviction that this may be the last year we are able to openly reach out to and minister to those around us, so please take the time to listen to this very important message.

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  • Episode #40:The Kingdom of God Suffers Violence; Kingdom Conflict, Part 1:Temples of the Holy Spirit vs. Thrones of Satan

    If we do not allow God to give us absolutely unparallelled spiritual clarity as to the nature of the rebellion that has been in our universe for millennia, and how it has influenced and conditioned virtually everything around us, then we may fail to have the spiritual strength required at the very moment it will count the most— because it will count for all eternity.

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