
  • Quit looking back!
    17 分
  • Power of Positivity
    This week we discuss the power of having a positive mindset and finding the good in even the worst of situations. Don't let your mind dwell in the negativity.. You are the one in control! Positivity is contagious. Let's light the world one smile at a time; Be the light!!



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    24 分
  • The Dark Night of the Soul (What It Is and How I'm Navigating It)
    The dark night of the soul is a period in time in which everything seems to be falling apart. This is not the case!! Listen in and find out my outlook and how I am handling the situations that have risen in my life. I am not an expert by any means but let me handle the leg work and bring you what I pull out of researching the matter in an easy no B.S. manner .
    続きを読む 一部表示
    29 分
  • Be True To You
    In this episode Liz and I are discussing the importance of being true to yourself and how we have gotten to where we are along this road trip of life. From the hitting rock bottom and realizing that you need to figure yourself out, to knowing exactly what you want for yourself. the first step in achieving any kind of peace in this world, you must first be yourself.
    続きを読む 一部表示
    27 分
  • Finding me to help find you (intro)
    In this episode, I am merely introducing my self and the podcast
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    12 分