
  • Genesis 4:1-5_Cain and Abel's Offerings (Part One)

    In Genesis 4, the humans' story is passed to the next generation with the births of Cain and Abel. One is a farmer, the other a shepherd. At some point, these brothers choose to make offerings to the LORD. One offering is regarded, the other is not. This story raises several questions: Where might they have gotten the idea to offer sacrifices? Why might one offering have been disregarded? Why might God have regarded the other? How might God's approval have impacted the Scriptural story had things gone another way? I invite you to join me in this first part episode as we explore and discuss some possible answers.

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    27 分
  • Genesis 3:20-24_Exiled from Eden

    With the LORD God having clarified the consequences that will now ripple through reality, the text transitions. What comes next is the man and woman prepare to live out of their newly diminished roles in an unwelcoming world lying ahead. It is a sad and bitter moment. But it is not without hope.

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    29 分
  • Genesis 3:8-19_The Consequences To Ripple Through Reality

    Upon entering the garden and recognizing that the humans have disobeyed the command, the LORD God then steps in to describe what this new reality will entail. I invite you to join me in this episode as I discuss the consequences that will ripple through and reshape the relationships between God, the humans, and creation.

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    33 分
  • Genesis 3:7_Their Reaction to their Rebellion

    In the story of "the Fall", the woman and man eating the forbidden fruit is the impact point of the story. Genesis 3:7 is the first ripple to roll out. In this verse, we witness both the initial effect of their disobedience that takes shape, and their initial reaction to that effect. Their reaction raises the question of how we ourselves tend to react to our own failings, a dilemma that Scripture thankfully resolves.

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    29 分
  • Genesis 3:1-6_The Temptation of the Woman (and the Man; seriously, he's right there.)

    In today's episode, we explore the interaction between the serpent and the woman. And in order to appreciate the inner workings of how this interaction "disarms the firewall" God's command had put in place, I discuss four "moves" the serpent makes and the impact they cause.

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    30 分
  • Bible Story Series: Genesis 3:1_Who is the Serpent?

    As we begin the next phase to our Bible Story Series, the Fall, we immediately encounter a new character referred to as "the serpent". Traditionally, the serpent has been interpreted to be none other than Satan.

    But is that conclusion supported by the text? Could there be an alternative? And what might that mean for the question of evil in the garden?

    I invite you to join me in today's episode as we explore these themes.

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    23 分
  • Bible Story Series: What Keeps Creation's Framework Fit?

    In the previous episode, we discovered how the relationships between God, creation, and humankind frame and govern existence. In today's episode, we pause to ask "What keeps these relationships in good working order?"

    The answer might be found in Genesis 2:15-17. I invite you to join me in this episode that (finally!) concludes the "Creation" phase of our Bible Story Series.

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    34 分
  • Bible Story Series: A Framework for All Existence

    Having explored Genesis 1-2, in this episode I'm going to pause and ask "What is the state of the Bible story at this point?"

    To help organize the content we've explored so far, I am going to borrow a framework of relationships to shape a coherent answer. Through these interactive relationships between God, creation, and humankind, I hope we can be on the same page of where the Bible story is currently at before we continue to explore where the Bible story is going.

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    38 分