Is there proof of life after death? What happens after death? Is there an afterlife? What happens after death to the soul? Is this life it?
Is there proof of life after death? This is one of the most profound and emotion-provoking questions humans can ask. So what happens after death? Is there an afterlife? What happens when you die? What happens after death to the soul? These are all very pertinent and emotion-stirring questions. However, an excellent place to begin is answering two fundamental questions: what is life and death?
Life Before DeathFrom a general perspective, there's just one eternal existence. So, life and death, in a way, are human concepts or concepts of a physical being who doesn't live forever in the physical body. Let's start with some truths that you can all identify with. Here are some statements. Examine how you feel about them.
You exist in the present moment. You exist in the present moment, vibrating with energy that attracts your reality. You are part of all that is, and all that is is within you. So, you exist in the present moment, here, and now. At least, this is true if you think of your body. Where is your body?
Please visit the website to read the rest of the article as well as access some special gifts for you to enjoy: What Happens After Death - Is There Proof Of Life After Death?
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