Happy Halloween!
In This Episode:
✨ - Intro
✨ - Anxiety & Excitement - Two ends of the same stick.
✨ - Anxiety (Fear) is the anticipation of what we don't want to happen. Excitement (Faith) is the anticipation of that which we DO want to happen.
✨ - Listener Question from Frankie: When I have an issue with something a friend has said to me, or the way someone in my life has been treating me, how do I determine whether or not to address the issue? Is it better in the long run to just bring it up and honor myself even though I know they're not in a good place? Or is it better to honor them and their needs since I care about them, even though I'm hurt?
✨ - Helen's answer (you probably won't like): Don't bring it up. Except with yourself. Any kind of "negative" emotion that comes up is an invitation from our higher selves to look at our own beliefs. It's never actually about the other person.
✨ - This is separate from saying "No" in a loving, calm energy, when someone is asking for (or doing) something that doesn't fit what you can give or desire to give.
✨ - Hurt feelings? = Look at your beliefs! Do you consciously, truly hold those beliefs today?
✨ - Honesty & Cruelty.
✨ - Exercise for identifying the patterns occurring here (most effective with a partner/friend/coach/other person): 1. Identify a recent trigger - a time when you felt hurt, were suffering (looping thoughts- or whatever that means to you), or were really in the "woulda, coulda, shoulda energy". 2. Write down the name of the "offender". 3. Describe, using big-feelings and emotional words, the energy around the hurt. 4. Have the partner read those descriptive words back and ask "Who does that remind you of?". That's who the original pattern is with.
✨ - This pattern will continue to show up in the people and situations you encounter until you decide to evolve some belief system of being victimized by others - or taking "it" personally.
✨ - Does the person of origin only act like this with you? Is it really personal?
✨ - Anyone, any time can activate this invitation to grow from this pattern! Even pets!
✨ - Every experience is through the mind. So what experience do you want to have? What do you want to align to?
✨ - What's the loving invitation to the next level of consciousness to have more of what I want in my life? Shortcut for this one: To give up taking personally other people's "craziness".
✨ - Patterns repeat, especially through generations, until someone pops and brings awakening and choice to the old pattern.
✨ - This is definitely something we want to go further on so please let us know what additional questions pop up for you!
✨We invite you to listen, relisten, take notes, comment, review, subscribe, send in your questions! We love connecting with you.
✨Questions can be sent to: hello@metaphysicalstreetsmarts.com
✨Rapid-fire questions to Instagram comments or DM: @metaphysicalstreetsmarts
✨For info on upcoming events, free resources, and consults with Helen visit helenracz.com
✨As always we invite you to take what blesses you and leave the rest.
Thanks for tuning in and spending time with us. Until next time, stay grounded!
🎧Master of Mastering: Brad McIntyre.
🎵Theme music: https://pixabay.com/music/happy-childrens-tunes-happy-acoustic-guitar-background-music-122614/