
  • Life is Simple Ep. 53
    Quoting and paraphrasing from:"The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen - 365 Day of Inspiration" "He Leadth Me" - Walter J. Ciszek, S.J.Every moment of our life has a purpose.Every action of our life has a purpose.Can you live in simple faith and trust in God?Review your day and ask what did that day mean to me and then more importantly ask yourself, what did it mean to/for God?Be brave, be simple, ask the question and then listen, truly listen and wait on the Lord's reply and maybe, just maybe, the Lord will send angels to speak to you in dreams as he did Joseph. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sonsofjoseph.substack.com
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  • Leadership Ep. 52
    "He Leadeth Me" - Walter Ciszek, S.J. Quotes from pages 175 & 176Psalm 23Thank you for listening to our podcast. We hope you are finding it inspirational, educational, and entertaining.We are blessed and humbled to have reached a complete year's worth of weekly (mostly) podcasts.Feel free to share with us your favorite or most impactful episode from the past year in the comments below or by emailing us at: josephsarmy1@gmail.comPlease pray for us as we continue to pray for all of you. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sonsofjoseph.substack.com
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  • Stream of Consciousness Ep. 51
    Join Konnor this week as he shares a stream of consciousness on Fatherhood in Scripture. Enjoy! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sonsofjoseph.substack.com
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  • Discerning
    The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius by George E. Ganss, SJDiscerning the Will of God by Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V.First mode: Clarity Beyond DoubtCertitude Deep PeaceJoyous OutlookConfidenceSecure SenseFreedomJoyDelightFreedom from DoubtRecognize and Act:What was specifically shownWas there a clear attraction and drawing of the willIs it truly impossible to doubtHas it been discussed with a spiritual directorHave I, in receipt of this gift, acted upon itSecond mode: Attraction of the HeartDeep Devotion and TearsPeace in my HeartConsolation or DesolationPatterns in ConsolationPatterns in DesolationDoes this make me the most joyfulSufficient clarity and understanding thru experiencesWhich am I most drawn tooThird mode: Majority of ReasonsFirst Way -1st Point: Question -Place the thing before me which I wish to make a decision about2nd Point: Disposition - Have an equal detachment from both, empty of passion or fixed inclination, flexible and ready to go either direction. Be in equilibrium, ready to follow whatever I perceive to be more for the glory and praise of God and the salvation of my soul3rd Point: Petition - Pray that God be pleased to move my will and place in my soul what I ought to do in this matter that would bring God more praise and glory.  For the grace of a mind that sees clearly and a will to choose faithfully for God's praise and glory.4th Point: Reasons - What are the Spiritual and faith-based advantages and disadvantages for the praise of God and for the salvation of my soul.  Consider and document the strengths and weaknesses of each.5th Point: Choose - Judge the reasons, which one elevates my soul, gives me tranquility, joy, and peace more6th Point: Confirmation - Bring the decision to God and ask that he confirm the choiceSecond Way -1st Rule: Disposition - Does the love that moves me and causes me to choose descend from above, from the love of God, and solely for the sake of my Creator and Lord?2nd Rule: Consider Another - If someone came to me with the same choice that I didn't know, how would I counsel them and which option would I steer them towards? Distance yourself from the decision.3rd Rule: End of Life - Consider myself at the end of my life near death, what choice would I have wished I made at this present time?4th Rule: Eternity - See myself on judgment day and consider how I will wish to have chosen in this present discernment  Which one is more loving towards God, who loves me infinity?   Am I loving him back without reservation?Confirmation - Once the choice has been made, seek to get confirmation from God.  Pray before God, offering him the choice so that the Lord may be pleased to receive and confirm it.Questions to Consider:Have I done my research on the options?  Do I have all the relevant data?Am I beginning my discernment from a tranquil time, not one of turmoil or unrest?Have I renewed my desire and awareness to promote God's greater glory in human hearts and to progress toward the joy of eternal communion with God?Am I spiritually free and open to either option?Have I sought God's help in prayer before considering the advantages and disadvantages?Are the reasons faith-based on my list for the greater glory of God?Does one choice have a more favorable reason?Have I shared the process with a spiritual director?Having chosen an option, have I brought the choice to God for confirmation, and have I received one? This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sonsofjoseph.substack.com
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  • Dissed Ep. 49
    Sloth 11 - DissedToday we are taking a look at the passions of discouragement and self-pity and all the other disses.Lord, we praise and worship you. Please remove from us all negative influences, keep us from sharing negativity with others and bless us with a peace that emits a positive and hopeful demeanor that others will find appealing and contagious. Guide us to see the good, the true, and beautiful in all that surrounds us; nature, people, situations, and more. Give us the strength to counter the culture of canceling others. Instead, grant us the virtue and characteristics of building others up and steering them towards heaven. AmenDiscouragement is the devil's main uncreative and predictable tactic used against the serious faith-filled fighter. Satan knows that God is more powerful than he is and that Christians fight with God's strength. He knows that in a straight-out battle, he loses. So, his only chance of having success is if he can seduce us into outright rebellion. To get us to put down our weapons, and our defenses and to stop fighting. He uses every possible discouraging weapon. He tells us that we are spiritual failures, too sinful, annoying, and/or forgotten by God and that the journey to holiness is too long, too hard. A person who struggles with sloth will be easily discouraged. They are looking for a reason to give up. They often do not persevere in difficult tasks, and they are easily paralyzed by insults. Feeling disliked or criticized is another tactic. It leads to self-pity. How can we be open to criticism, and invite it in, without feeling emotionally attacked? If we know that we need direction and we have a growth mindset, then why do we feel offended when others offer correction, question us, or offer advice. It's an issue of pride. It is likely rooted in childhood insecurity when were we publicly corrected and embarrassed or humiliated. Yet, if we know the correction is meant for good, and there is always a nugget of truth and goodness in correction, even bad and negative or ill-willed correction, why is it so hard to accept, embrace and receive it? Especially when this comes from someone that loves us and that we love.Contemplating Joseph and Jesus' relationship and knowing that in those times fathers taught their sons the family trade, Joseph must have had to receive correction, and criticism and been discouraged as an apprentice. Then on top of that, he has Jesus as his son and although we know Jesus was obedient to Joseph, there may have been moments when Joseph also learned from his son. This is why Joseph is a pillar for families, a model of workers, a lover of poverty, and most prudent. I have no doubts Joseph was a passionate man, sensitive, and caring, so in him, we see a model of how to be imperfect, yet always in relationship and courageously defending Christ and providing an example of true selflessness, charity, and humility.It may be that when we find out someone dislikes us or is critical of our work, we collapse inside and self-doubt and self-pity rise up within us. It is a form of self-preservation, a defense mechanism. It's the devil's ploy to keep us from developing and growing in selflessness, charity, and humility.When we have courage and humble ourselves like Joseph to receive being dissed because we begin to know what we are truly capable of, we find our strength, and we trust others and ourselves to recognize our gifts. We are not dissuaded easily.Satan crafts his attack on each of our unique personal vulnerabilities. The temptation is always the same: to stop fighting the spiritual battle.We need to keep our minds strong and alert knowing that discouragement never comes from God. Christ always imparts courage even when he is correcting us. The devil always robs us of courage even when he is flattering us. Refuse to listen to the devil's lies and cast away quickly any lingering feelings of dejection or sadness in God's sight. Remember we are beloved sons of our Father. Recall God's constant presence and care for us.Other disses are disillusionment, distraction, discontent, disdain, distortion, disregard, and disrespect. Dis as a Latin prefix means: lack of, opposite of, apart, asunder, away, having a negative or reversing force. These are the tools of the devil to keep us in lust, greedy, unsatisfied, longing, bored, threatened, joyless, and anxious. In a state opposite of what God wants, in reverse of His desire for us.Disrespect can creep in when we allow a kind of numbness of our soul and we fail to regard others. We can use them. Men particularly struggle to regard the dignity of women. We can easily objectify women and use them for our own purposes. We refrain from thinking about who she is as a person; only about how her body interests us.Sloth, like all sin, manifests itself in disorder, in disorganized lives, in wrong priorities, and in moral ambiguity or equivalency. When we marginalize our sin, we may manifest disdain for authority or hold ...
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  • Rainbow Gateway
    In a very personal, authentic, and vulnerable way, Konnor share's the story of his family's struggle with pregnancy, what baptism means, and the hope of the rainbow in relationship to God's promise to us.We hope you enjoy this special episode and thank Konnor for his openness in allowing us to share this with all of you. Rest in Peace Rosie and John Paul and God bless Eden Marie and the Damery family.Romans 5:1-5Faith, Hope, and Love. 1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access [by faith] to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only that, but we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, 4 and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, 5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.Please join us in praying a decade of the rosary. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sonsofjoseph.substack.com
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  • The Joseph Impact Ep. 47
    Since the very first episode, we have not had a conversational episode. Today Konnor and Brian discuss how St. Joseph has impacted their lives.We hope you enjoy this episode.We also welcome your feedback and suggestions on future podcasts. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sonsofjoseph.substack.com
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  • Wonder & Truth
    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sonsofjoseph.substack.com
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