
  • The Wheat and The Tares

    Tearing down others in the church isn’t our job. The Bible teaches us to mark those who cause division, but not to destroy them. We should focus on building up, trusting God to separate the wheat from the tares in His time #marcusvbrown #izfly #ChurchUnity #BiblicalTeaching #Faith #BuildingUp #TrustGod

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    19 分
  • God's Truth vs. 'Your Truth': Why the Bible Rejects Personal Truths

    I believe the idea of "my truth" or "your truth" is unbiblical and contradicts Jesus, who is the universal, unchanging truth. It concerns me that some Christians have embraced this false notion, as truth is defined by Jesus and stands independent of personal opinion. #marcusvbrown #izfly

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    14 分
  • "What Does the Bible Say About 'Protecting Your Peace'? The Real Answer"

    When I hear people say they need to protect "their peace," I wonder where that idea comes from, especially among believers. The peace we have isn’t our own; it comes from God. Jesus said, "My peace I give unto you," making it clear that true peace is from Him, not the world. The Bible teaches that we will face troubles, but in Jesus, we find lasting peace. If your peace doesn’t come from God, then it’s not true peace at all.

    #marcusvbrown #izfly #BiblicalTruth #ChristianFaith #BibleStudy #ScriptureStudy #FaithOverFeelings #BiblicalTeaching #GodsWord #ChristianLiving #SpiritualWarfare #TruthInChrist #BiblicalPerspective #DebunkingMyths #ChristianDoctrine #GodsPlan #biblicalinsights

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    12 分
  • Is Veganism A Biblical Requirement? Let's Find Out

    Some believe eating meat is a sin and form denominations around this idea, teaching it as divine doctrine. My aim is to trust what the Bible actually says, not interpretations.

    Genesis 2:8-9, 16-17 states God provided every tree in Eden for food except the tree of knowledge of good and evil, without mentioning health benefits. God knew man would fall, and provisions for atonement were made from the beginning. The Bible doesn’t command vegetarianism for righteousness or holiness. #marcusvbrown #izfly

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    11 分
  • The Flesh Is Weak

    The Bible and Jesus never taught that weak flesh excuses sin. The phrase "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:40-43) refers to the disciples' struggle to stay awake and pray, not an excuse for sin. Romans 6:16-24 and James 1:13-15 emphasize that we sin due to our strong desires and weak spiritual discipline, not because our flesh is inherently weak. Using weak flesh as an excuse for sin is not biblically supported. #marcusvbrown #izfly

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    14 分
  • The Sinner's Prayer: Biblical Fact or Fiction?

    The Bible and Jesus do not teach that saying a sinner's prayer guarantees salvation. Romans 10 emphasizes that true faith involves believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth, leading to righteousness and salvation. Abraham and Noah were deemed righteous because they believed God and acted on their faith, as seen in Hebrews 11 and Mark 16:16. True belief in God requires both faith and obedience. Simply reciting a prayer without genuine faith and obedience does not align with biblical teachings on salvation. #marcusvbrown #izfly

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    24 分
  • Your Body Is Not A Temple

    The Bible does not say "your body is a temple," but "your body is THE temple of the Holy Ghost" (1 Corinthians 6). This scripture, often misinterpreted to promote physical health, actually emphasizes avoiding fornication. Many focus on fitness but overlook the call for spiritual purity. I urge people to understand and not misquote this scripture #marcusvbrown #izfly

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    11 分
  • Work Is Not A Curse

    The Bible does not depict work as a curse or punishment. Before the fall, Adam was tasked with tending the Garden of Eden. The ground was cursed after the fall, making labor harder, but work itself remained good and godly. A job, which is work for pay, may be disliked, but all work, including responsibilities and care, is valuable. The idea of work being a curse comes from the increased difficulty after the fall, not from work itself. Work is essential, serving others, and accumulating rewards beyond money. #marcusvbrown #izfly

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