In this thought-provoking episode, we explore groundbreaking ideas for physical therapy practices inspired by successful business models like Peloton and Tonal. From leveraging technology for scalable group sessions to rethinking unused equipment in clinics, we dive deep into how PTs can expand their reach, boost revenue, and better serve patients.
Whether it's creating condition-specific programs, tapping into total addressable markets (TAM), or embracing data-driven therapy with remote monitoring tools (RTM), this episode is packed with actionable insights for forward-thinking PTs.
Join us as we discuss:
- How PT can bridge the gap between fitness and healthcare.
- The art vs. science debate in patient care.
- Innovative group therapy models for clinics.
- Why embracing technology can future-proof your PT practice.
Key Takeaways:
- Peloton-inspired business models for PT.
- Monetizing unused equipment like treadmills and reformers.
- Building partnerships with tech companies for scalable solutions.
- Addressing patient diversity with tailored programs.
00:00 – Introduction: Overview of the art vs. science of physical therapy.
07:30 – The Ergonomics Discussion: Why PTs must rethink patient positioning.
19:45 – Tech Meets PT: How ROM WOD and Tonal inspire scalable solutions.
30:15 – Monetizing Unused Equipment: Reformers, treadmills, and beyond.
40:45 – RTM in Practice: Remote monitoring tools for better patient outcomes.
50:30 – Parting Shots: Encouraging PTs to embrace innovation and think differently.
Mentioned in the Episode:
- Peloton’s New Strength App
- Tonal: A connected fitness system redefining strength training.
- ROM WOD: Range of Motion workout programs for CrossFit athletes.