Jim is president of the Institute for Strategic Clarity, affiliated with Harvard, Univ Politecnica de Madrid, and TEC EGADE Business School, co-author of Ecosynomics (2014), Managing from Clarity (2001), and many chapters and articles. He blogs regularly at jlrd.me. He has a BS in Petroleum Engineering (UTulsa), an MIM (Thunderbird), an MBA (ESADE), a PhD in Decision Sciences (UTAustin), a postdoc in system dynamics and organizational studies (MIT), and a postdoc in psychology and Langer mindfulness (Harvard). Highlights:
- The point of return to unity and awareness of our freedoms in the information revolution
- Cancel culture vs. collaborative environments
- Homosapiens vs “Homolumens"
- Many ways to minister: Jim’s journey from ministry to ecosynomics
- Why we fight: The tension of collaboration and competition
- The practicals of how differences create effective change, and getting people to cooperate
- The three “Why’s” and the “Deeper Shared Purpose”
- The point of return to unity and awareness of our freedoms in the information revolution
- What ahead: civil war or restructuring of the power system?
- Beyond nice: The necessities of flourishing
- Cancel culture vs. collaborative environments
- Systemic cultures and the importance of paying attention to others
- “Positive Deviance”
- Pigeons doing backflips: Asking the right questions to increase the quality of your life
- Homosapiens vs “Homolumens"
- https://www.amazon.com/Ecosynomics-Science-Abundance-James-Ritchie-Dunham-ebook/dp/B00OJNA4ZU
- https://smile.amazon.com/Managing-Clarity-Identifying-Leveraging-Strategic/dp/0471497312/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=managing+from+clarity&qid=1595175236&s=books&sr=1-3
- https://jimritchiedunham.wordpress.com/
- https://isclarity.org/our-research/frameworks/
- https://twitter.com/jritchiedunham
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-ritchie-dunham-32837/