Welcome back to The Lottery of Life Podcast! Do you put water in your gas tank? Of course not right? If you do then you'll kill your engine and your car won't drive like it's supposed to. The thing we don't realize is it's the same philosophy with the human body! In this episode we go over the negative effects of eating processed foods and the positive effects of eating whole foods. No matter if it's diesel, premium, or regular in order for your vehicle to drive you have to put the proper fuel source in it. The proper fuel source for our bodies is whole foods, and the "water" would be processed foods. If you put bad food in your body then it won't run properly and you won't feel good. We also touch on why some successful people don't have successful relationships, even with all the money in the world. Then lastly, David highlights his recent experience at the strip club so make sure you listen until the end! Thanks for listening and be sure to like and share with a friend. See you next week!
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The Lottery of Life Podcast