
  • What it’s like to be a BLM Pilot: winging it with Bob McCormick and Lisa Allen

    Fire jobs are some of the most unique out there; piloting aircraft for the Bureau of Land Management goes above and beyond. Bob McCormick, Smokejumper Instructor Pilot, and Lisa Allen, Air Tactical Pilot, join Piper Brandt in the studio to discuss what it’s like to be a pilot for BLM Fire. They share what it takes to be a smokejumper or leadplane pilot, what they encounter on the job, and how their past experiences led them to the cockpit.

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    49 分
  • Beyond wildfire: all about all-hazard response with Mike Mattfeldt, Jim Schultz, and Scott Beacham

    When disaster strikes, such as during hurricanes, floods, or search and rescue missions, an all-hands-on-deck situation can arise. This is where wildland firefighters and management can step in to help. Mike Mattfeldt, Program Manager of International Fire Response and Support for the USDA Forest Service, with Jim Schultz, Fire Management Specialist and Scott Beacham, Regional Fuels Management Specialist from the National Park Service, join us to discuss the interagency cooperation behind all-hazard incident response, how firefighters prepare for all-hazard response, and what it’s like to be on the ground helping in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

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  • How to land a fire job: building a “fire” application with Kim Darnall and Ben Patten

    It’s recruitment season for Fire Year 2025 and new fire job listings are opening daily on USAJOBS.gov. Kim Darnall, Human Resources Officer at the National Interagency Fire Center, and Ben Patten, Fire Program Specialist at the BLM Montana/Dakotas State Office, join us to share their tips on how to land the fire job of your dreams. Kim and Ben cover how to navigate USAJOBS, what to include (and not to include) on your resume, and what hiring officials look for in a prospective wildland firefighter.

    Visit the BLM Fire Jobs Portal for more resources on applying for a BLM Fire Job, including step-by-step videos on how to submit an application on USAJOBS: nifc.gov/careers/blm-fire-job

    For free online wildland fire trainings, visit the Wildland Fire Learning Portal: wildlandfirelearningportal.net/login/index.php and the FEMA Emergency Management Institute: training.fema.gov/apply/

    These websites include information on how to sign up for an account.

    For descriptions and required trainings for each wildland fire position, visit the NWCG Training Catalog: nwcg.gov/training/training-catalog

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    1 時間 3 分
  • Talk dispatch to me: with Amy Lancaster, Tommy Hayes, and Katie Williamson

    Dispatch is the behind-the-scenes fire job that keeps wildland fire operations running. From ordering hotshot crews and supplies to responding to medical emergencies, dispatchers never know what might be waiting for them on the other end of the phone. Amy Lancaster, Miles City Interagency Dispatcher Center Manager; Tommy Hayes, BLM Upper Colorado River District Fire Management Officer; and Katie Williamson, BLM Colorado Dispatch Efficiency Coordinator join the conversation to share their unique perspectives on the different levels of dispatch, challenges and successes of the program, and what it’s like to staff a dispatch center.

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    1 時間 6 分
  • Taking flight with Matt Dutton: a discussion about the BLM Remote Pilots and Remote Systems program

    Depending on your agency, UAS stands for unmanned, uncrewed, or unoccupied aircraft systems, also referred to as drones by many people. BLM Remote Pilots and Remote Systems Program Manager Matt Dutton named the BLM program for what it is and does - remote pilots, remote systems operation. It was developed to supplement the aircraft fleet in support of resource and incident management initiatives. Matt discusses the use of UAS in wildfire suppression operations, and the benefits to assist land management activities in other program areas. He talks about starting out on a hotshot crew, getting into training development for the government UAS program - helping build it from the ground up, and the importance of keeping the program going. UAS capabilities range from enhancing fireline situational awareness, creating more accurate wildland fire maps, collecting, and displaying thermal and infrared imagery to detect hot spots along the fireline, to supporting prescribed fire operations, and so much more! All this done with the pilot safely on the ground, limiting risk and exposure to firefighters. Matt recognizes the challenges but also sees the opportunity to leverage technology to better work for us and address some of the issues that our organization is facing today. In Matt's words, "It (UAS) is a nighttime, swing shift, smoky condition tool that excels."

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    50 分
  • Getting the “skinny” on helitack: a conversation with Brandon Williams and Taylor Clelland
    While on a fire assignment, Twin Falls Helitack Supervisor Brandon “Skinny” Williams and Assistant Supervisor Taylor Clelland take a break to chat about what it is like being on a helitack crew. Brandon joins the conversation from the back of a helicopter in Utah while Taylor joins us on the road as a passenger in a vehicle heading to another fire assignment in New Mexico. As good friends before getting wildland fire jobs, Brandon and Taylor talk about what it is like working together, the team aspect of fire management, the relationships you build, the beautiful views you get flying to fires in a helicopter, and sharing those incredible experiences with the people you sweat and toil with.
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    50 分
  • Remote Automatic Weather Station operations: shooting the breeze with Robbie Swofford, Justin Dopp and Cindy Sherfick

    Talking about the weather is common in everyday conversation, but talking about all the work that goes into collecting weather data is a bit more complicated. When it comes to firefighter and public safety, it is essential to gather localized weather data for fire management - a job for remote automatic weather stations or RAWS. The BLM Remote Sensing/Fire Weather Support Unit maintains over 2,300 RAWS units in the WXx Weather system network. Branch Chief Robbie Swofford, Depot Section Supervisor Justin Dopp, and Electronics Technician Cindy Sherfick discuss their mission to keep all components of the RAWS stations operational. They talk about their career paths, interesting animal encounters, and why they enjoy what they do. From the first incident RAWS - developed by this unit and deployed to meet more temporary needs for weather information, mainly due to wildfires or other natural disasters - to the growing infrastructure of permanent RAWS, this essential unit/program has the important and critical job of ensuring wildland fire managers, and others who may rely on weather data to operate safely, are receiving timely weather data. WXx Weather information is publicly available at https://weather.nifc.gov.

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    1 時間 1 分
  • The National Fire Equipment Program: talking shop with John Fitchner and Justin Lammers

    The award-winning National Fire Equipment Program (NFEP) located at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) incorporates firefighter innovation with industry expertise to provide the Department of the Interior with economical, safe, and efficient fire equipment. The program is responsible for around 1,200 fire vehicles in the BLM, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Indian Affairs fleets. John Fitchner, NFEP manager, and Justin Lammers, production assistant equipment specialist, talk about their wildland fire careers on the road to the NFEP and explain how the program operates. The NFEP continually seeks improvement in all aspects of support, evaluation, and development of fire equipment through proactive training and communication. John and Justin also discuss their involvement with training events and reviews, new technology, and improved safety features; some of which led the program to be awarded the 2018 Pulaski Award for continued excellence in equipment innovation and development. Piper Brandt, BLM Fire Public Affairs Specialist, also debuts as the new Wildfire Matters podcast co-host.

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    48 分