You and your Credit Buying a home is exciting. It’s also one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make, and one factor that can make or break your dream of homeownership is your 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭. Your credit score will impact what type of loan you can get approved for, how much you have to put down, your interest rate, and ultimately how much house you can afford. In today’s competitive market, it is especially important to not only know your credit scores 💳 but also take a look at your credit report. You can order one copy of each of your three credit reports – maintained by Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion – each year from annual credit report.com. Once you receive your reports, if necessary, you and your lender can come up with a plan to increase your score, and/or pay down some debt that may be contributing to that score. If you’re ready to purchase a home, it’s important to talk with a lender, view your credit report, and take steps to fix any errors. Ready to get the process started? Message me today, I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about getting pre-approved! #miguelpagan #miguelpaganre.com #NewHaven #Bridgeport #Stratford #Milford #Easthaven #NorthHaven #Brandford #Hamden #realtor #home #property #luxuryrealestate #forsale #dreamhome #househunting #realestateagent #investment #house #properties #realty #homesweethome #broker #justlisted #marketing #decor #sold