In this thought-provoking conclusion of Tech (e)Valuation, Ben DeBow continues his captivating conversation with Michael Chapp, the COO of ŌURA. As they delve deeper into the world of ŌURA, Michael reveals the personal impact that the Oura ring has had on his own life, setting the stage for an inspiring discussion on privacy and the potential of sharing data in a secure manner to address larger concerns within the healthcare space. Join Ben and Michael as they explore the intricacies of data privacy, examining how users can maintain control over their personal health information while still contributing to valuable research and solutions. Discover the cutting-edge technologies and protocols employed by ŌURA to ensure the highest level of privacy for its users, all while fostering opportunities for collaboration and data-driven breakthroughs in healthcare. Prepare to be inspired by the possibilities that emerge when cutting-edge technology and personal empowerment converge to create a brighter future for individuals and the healthcare ecosystem as a whole.