Andre Govier

Andre Govier

I recently learnt that young people are often intimidated by very long books and only a small percentage purchased on Kindle are read through to the end. It made me a little sad to think of all the work which goes into novel creation not being fully enjoyed. I also felt some young readers are missing out on the joy of getting to the end of a book and being eager to pick up the next one. Please see this very kind Booktube review of my work For this reason I deliberately chose to make my books short enough, so as not to intimidate, but instead be one evening's achievable reading. I have also chosen to write in first person narrative to allow the reader to feel how the main character in the story feels as she tells us her story. (Or lies) Thank you for looking at my profile. I have just upload the 2nd book in a series of books I have written about the same character, 16 year old Stephanie Dawson. She can't help but get herself into trouble by telling lie after lie after lie. The question you have to ask however, is does this make her a bad person, or is she just trying to please everybody. My day job for the last 20 years has been working in law enforcement in West Yorkshire, England. I do know a thing about people who don’t tell the truth. Lastly I would like to say a huge thank you to the family members who were not only patient with me whilst I have been writing away but also they were of massive assistance in helping me finish my books. Find me on Facebook Twitter @Andregovier I hope you enjoy
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