Ronald Bunch

Ronald Bunch

Ronald Bunch is a dedicated and passionate writer with a deep love for the art of storytelling. He’s committed to his Catholic faith and his writing. Ronald's interests span a wide range, including writing, reading, social media, weight lifting, and riding an exercise bike. He's a full-time writer. He did volunteer work at Kids Food Basket, Habitat for Humanity, and more. He's a recovering pizza addict and cats are his favorite pet. Selected Works by Ronald Bunch: "Heart of Brawlsteenian": A captivating sci-fi novella. "Neobadians": Another intriguing work by Ronald on an alien planet. "Red Entaries": Enjoy this multi POV novel from villains to heroes. "Gorfeenda": A high school romance book taken to fantasy and beyond. Feel free to browse and find a book you like!
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