
  • Psychopath Customers: The Rising Problem of Bad Customer Behavior
    There is a rising problem with “psychopath customers” and bad customer behavior. Many organizations in the services and restaurant industries are experiencing an increase in dysfunctional behavior from bad customers. Many workers in these industries have been assaulted, yelled at, cursed at, verbally insulted, spit on, name called (also called racial epithets) and other aggressive behavior. This behavior has ranged from verbal to assault. Consider the case with an employee at a major drive-thru restaurant that was attacked through the drive-thru window by an irate customer because they made a mistake on their order. Many employees are defenseless against these assaults from bad customers for fear of losing their jobs. This dysfunctional behavior is on the rise and is escalating to violence against services employees. Why does this happen? What can you do about psychopath customers? We will be joined by experts, Dr. Dave Aron and Nicole Kimmick. You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles
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    54 分
  • Author Showcase: An Interview with Shari Harley, author of “How to Say Anything to Anyone: A Guide to Building Business Relationships That Really Work.”
    This show will interview Shari Harley and discuss her book, “How to Say Anything to Anyone: A Guide to Building Business Relationships That Really Work.” She shares some of her expertise in workplace candor and leadership development training. She will discuss her book and her experiences with training organizations. Shari will show that the people you work with can work with you, around you, or against you. How people work with you depends on the relationships you cultivate. Do your colleagues trust you? Can they speak openly with you when projects and tasks go awry? She will share real-life stories of people who have struggled to get what they want at work. With her clear and specific roadmap in hand, she enables you to create the career and business relationships you really want—and keep them. You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles How to Say Anything to Anyone Book
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    53 分
  • The Zimmerman Verdict: A Perspective from African American Female Scholars
    The Zimmerman Verdict has been one of the most controversial criminal cases in the history of the American justice system. There is a global outrage at the verdict of this trial. Three African American female scholars will share their perspectives on the Zimmerman Trial and Verdict. Has the American Justice system failed? Has the jury system failed? Is there a message being sent with the verdict in the Zimmerman Trial? This show will investigate these questions and more. We will be joined by experts, Bren Buchalski, JD., CEO and Director of C4C: Kaleidoscope; Dr. Sharon Michael-Chadwell, Professor and higher education professional, researcher and expert; and Dr. Velma Gooding, Professor of Marketing at Our Lady of the Lake University; You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles
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  • Social Media and Employers: Should Employers Be Able to Access Your Facebook Page for Hiring Decisions?
    Have you ever Googled your name? Current and potential employers are doing it. With the emergence of social media influences such as Facebook.com, employers are using social media as part of their due diligence for investigating new and current employees. Numerous colleges and universities have warned graduating seniors to be careful about the dangers of social media, such as Facebook and others. Some heed this warning, however many do not. Privacy is a thing of a bygone era. The internet and social media has forever changed that. Reputation management is a big issue with social media. Now individuals must manage their content on social media about themselves and manage the content by others as well. We are now living in the digital age and it has repercussions. With At-Will Employment laws in some states, now employers can use social media as grounds for terminating a current employee and deny employment to a potential new one. Welcome to the new digital age: You better check what is on social media about you or you can be sure that employers will! We will be joined by experts, Lori Andrews, professor of law at Chicago-Kent, College of Law distinguished professor of law at Chicago-Kent, College of Law; Charles Lamberton, President of the Lamberton Law Firm, LLC, a workplace rights and employment discrimination law firm; and Courtney Hefferman Mimmo, Social Media Director for O’Connell & Goldberg (O&G) public relations. You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles
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  • A Discussion On the film, “Django Unchained”- African American Scholars Give Their Perspective
    The film “Django Unchained” arouses many diverse reactions from the public. The film is credited with using the N-word numerous times throughout the film. This film has many psychological implications within its story and cinematic imagery. In addition to the controversial subject matter of this film it also has unforgettable visual images concerning slavery. There are many disturbing scenes in the film that are centered on that theme. We will be joined by experts, Dr. Carey Latimore and Dr. Charles Moses for a discussion on this controversial film. You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles
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    47 分
  • Credit Reports and Employment: Should Your Boss Be Allowed to Check Your Credit Report?
    Employers across the country are now using credit reports to as a part of their hiring procedures. The subject of using credit reports in the application process is becoming a standard hiring practice. One of the prevailing issues is that now employers outside of financial institutions are using credit reports as a basis of hiring. However, using credit reports as a standard practice can have damaging and legal consequences to employers. Some states are prohibiting employers from using credit reports as a standard practice for applicants. Some employers are taking this practice of reviewing credit reports too far such as non-financial jobs. This is a huge problem. This begs the question, Should your prospective employer be allowed access to your credit report? Should your current employer be allowed access to review your credit report and if it is questionable, terminate you? Should employees have some protection against these practices? This show will investigate these questions and more. We will be joined by experts, Charles Lamberton and Jay Meschke. You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles
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    56 分
  • Social Media and Higher Education: Does Rate My Professors.com Hurt College Professors?
    The influence of social media is a new phenomenon that has affected every sector. Social media has also affected the higher education sector. Social media has a major influence on this new generation of college students. Reputation management is a big issue with social media. With the emergence of social media influences such as Facebook.com. When things go viral, it can tarnish someone’s reputation in a matter of minutes! Rate My Professors.com (RMP) can damage a professor’s reputation. Many students misuse the teacher evaluation process to settle a score with a professor. Many students misuse RMP to damage a professor’s reputation for revenge. Even more damaging is when university search committees use RMP to research potential professors. That can be a big mistake. Does Rate My Professors.com help of hurt professors’ reputation? We will be joined by experts, Dr. Jammie Price, Professor in Sociology at Appalachian State University (ASU); and Dr. Wanda Sparks, researcher and Chair of the Nursing Department at Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU); You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles
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    57 分
  • Fake College Degrees: The Problem of Diploma Mills and Its Damaging Effect On the Public and Businesses
    The job market is competitive and many employers want potential job candidates with education credentials. The pressure to have a college degree has caused many job applicants to turn to diploma mills that sell fake college degrees. This has cause the rise of diploma mills or fake colleges that sell college diplomas for a price. Many diploma mills charge a fee ranging from $50 to $5,000 for a bachelor's, master's, Ph.D. or other such degree. Diploma mills have a long history that dates back to the 1930’s. Diploma mills have become a huge problem in the job market. Often, buyers only have to provide money to get a professional-looking diploma and transcript for verifications for potential employers. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has gotten involved in shutting down these diploma mills. This show will address these questions: What is a diploma mill? Why do people go to diploma mills? How do diploma mills hurt individuals, the public and businesses? We will be joined by expert, Dr. John Bear, co-author of Degree Mills: The Billion-dollar Industry That Has Sold over a Million Fake Diplomas. You don’t want to miss this show! Come join us at Game On ® Business Talk Radio with D. Anthony Miles
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