
  • Episode #32- Body Image and Swimsuit Season
    Hey friends! In this podcast, I talk about how I have been obsessing over my body lately since it has been changing slowly over the years as I age. And what I have been doing to start focusing on the good things about my body so I do not feel anxious when I have to wear a bathing suit and can enjoy summer time! As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: https://instagram.com/randilamotte?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: ConnectRandilamotte.com
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  • Ep #31-Synchronicities and distorted thinking.
    Hey Friends! In this podcast, I go into talking about synchronicities and how those moments show me that I am on the right path and keeps me going or changing things up when needed. I also share my my main distorted thinking patterns to recognize when I need to make shifts and better decisions. There are 9 distorted thinking patterns that we all do but usually we are dominate in 2 of them. Listen to see which ones you do. As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: saskyogagirl @ https://instagram.com/saskyogagirl?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: Connect@randilamotte.com
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  • Ep #30- Fear of outgrowing people.
    Hey friends! In this podcast, I had an energy session today and it was all about moving forward and living my purpose. To stop worrying about who will grow with me or not. I always was worried if I keep elevating and growing that I would leave people behind and now I have learnt that sometimes it is ok to do that and you can still love those people from a distance but it does not serve you to keep dimming your light to make them feel comfortable or to keep them apart of your life. This was preventing me from going further and it is NO longer serving me so I felt so passionate to share this with you to inspire you to keep doing what makes you feel happy and inspired . Then things will unfold how it is suppose to for your highest good. Trust yourself!!!!! As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: https://instagram.com/randilamotte?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: connect@randilamotte.com
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  • Episode #29 - Making changes for who I want to become!
    Hey friends! In this podcast, I talk about the changes that I am making in my life for who I want to become! I need to be better as I have always had this vision of myself that I am not living up too. Since the only control we have in life is ourselves, I decided it is time to step up and do things that is going to create this future “Randi” I have always seen myself being. I mention my morning routine and habits I am currently doing to create this new reality. Dr. Joe Dispenza always says “our personality, creates our reality” and I truly do believe that when you are manifesting your goals. So I am going to show up as future Randi and make that transition. I have now joined the 5 am club (well 6am) that Robin Sharma has written about. Upon waking, the first thing I do is take the dogs for a walk, then my resistant/hiit workout, meditate, journal, intermittent fasting, focusing on gut health and sleep. The really new thing I am trying is a sobriety journey by not drinking for a 100 days!! Let me tell you, it has been such a huge holistic change within myself. I also mention that you should check out Andrew Huberman’s podcast on alcohol as that will give you a different perspective on it. As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: https://instagram.com/randilamotte?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: Connect@randilamotte.com
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  • Episode #28- Being your true self and how do you know?!
    Hey Friends! In this podcast I completely speak my truth and what has been on my heart for awhile now about being your True Self! You hear all the time, be your authentic self, authenticity is key to creating great connections. What does that mean if you really don’t know who you are anymore??? I talk about my journey in figuring out who I really am and what my truth is and not using fear based communication, manipulations or external validations to feel valued and loved! This is one of my FAVOURITE episode ever and I hope it gives you some good nuggets to have your Ah Ah moments. As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: https://instagram.com/randilamotte?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: Connect@randilamotte.com
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  • Episode #27- How can Meditation improve your life & what is Yoga Nidra?
    Hey friends! In this podcast, I share my love for meditation and how it is the most transformative tool to make positive change within your life. My fav meditation is Yoga Nidra- Sleep Meditation as this is perfect for beginners or for people who meditate on a regular basis. This specific meditation has helped me to become more mindful which leads to less anxiety, stress, noticing my thoughts and changing them, changing my perception and increased my self love while having a more chill personality. Go to Insight Timer app to find yoga nidra or any other meditations for free! As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: https://instagram.com/randilamotte?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: Connect@randilamotte.com
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  • Episode #26- How to forgive your partner quickly!
    Hey friends! In this podcast, I share how I came across this cool Hawaiian tool that has helped my marriage to resolve fighting issues quickly so it does not escalate bigger. It is called Ho’oponopono to help with reconciliation and forgiveness. It restores balance and it makes us laugh and remember why we love each other. You and your partner have to say four phrases three times to each other while looking at each other. You say, “I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you”. Sounds crazy but it works. Have fun trying it out!! As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: https://instagram.com/randilamotte?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: Connect@randilamotte.com
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  • Episode #25- Do you worry you might out grow your partner bc of your personal development journey?
    Hey friends! In this podcast, I share my personal development journey and how I was worried that if I continued to grow and my partner did not…that we might not stay together! I have had many conversations with woman about this and we all have the same fear because we are changing so much and want our partner to learn and grow too. Otherwise, what do we talk about, our beliefs and values are changing and you feel lost and alone. Don’t worry, I truly believe things can be worked out and growth can occur both ways and that may look different for both of you. I needed to change my perspective and just stay on my course and focus on what I am doing and that is when shifts started to happen! As always, I would love to hear from you! Contact info: Randi LaMotte Instagram: https://instagram.com/randilamotte?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= Facebook: Randi Lamotte Email Me Here: Connect@randilamotte.com Website: www.randilamotte.com
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