• Marketing BS Detector: Separating Messaging, Marketing, and Copywriting

    One of the things that pisses me off about online business is how people play fast and loose with words.

    A lot of the time, they use words in a way where they don't mean what they think they mean.

    And this past year, I've noticed a lot of people talking about messaging and how they help you with your messaging.

    But when I look at their programs, because, believe it or not, I take a lot of courses on messaging and marketing to keep my own skills sharp, I often find the program isn't about messaging.

    It's about copywriting or content marketing or just straight-up marketing,

    Or it's just a snippet of what messaging is, like an elevator pitch or content buckets. And nothing makes marketing suck more for you as a solo business owner than being confused about what your business actually needs.

    So it's time to revisit what the difference is between marketing, messaging, and copywriting with examples so you know where to focus, and you're not wasting your time or money focused on the wrong damn thing.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Why online business is confused about the differences between the three
    • Defining what the difference is between messaging, copywriting, and marketing
    • How to know what your business needs

    Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour Here

    Full show notes and transcript are here.

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    19 分
  • Marketing for Brainiacs: Translating Phd-Level Knowledge Into Client-Speak with Zoa Conner

    “Figuring out how to explain what you do in ways that resonate with other people and connects them to what they're feeling right now is tricky.”

    Have you ever been talking to someone explaining what you do and they're staring at you like you're speaking a language they've never even heard before and don't even know how to begin to comprehend.

    Please know you're not alone.

    So many brilliant business owners struggle to connect with their clients, not because they lack knowledge, but because they're stuck in expert speak.

    It's like we think, if I can just give you all the information, then that will be enough. You'll be wowed, and you'll book a call with me. Unfortunately, that's not how it works.

    And what's really happening is how we can help them, how our expertise benefits them and their lives is getting lost in translation.

    Zoa Conner is a functional health and wellness expert who helps you feel better, not older, through personalized lifestyle guidance and education, knows this firsthand.

    When Zoa and I first met, her message was getting lost and she’ll tell you how she overcame it and how it’s making marketing suck less for her!

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • The critical role of messaging in getting clients ready for the work you do
    • The difficulties small businesses face in competing with larger companies and the emphasis on local SEO.
    • How initial consultations are structured to identify client concerns and create personalized plans.
    • The importance of continuously revisiting and optimizing marketing strategies for better client alignment and business growth.

    Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour Here

    Full show notes and transcript are here.

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    36 分
  • Marketing That Doesn't Hijack Your Life with Laura Litwiller

    “If I decide to use social media, then maybe I'm posting all the time and checking for likes and comments in my off hours. What you choose from marketing can affect your life. And for me, it has been really important to figure out a way to do it that works for me and lets me keep on living the life I want to be living and not feeling too stressed out by my work or feeling the need to get in there and do things at all hours of the day.”

    Everyone who markets marketing programs is always so damn certain that their approach works for everyone, everywhere, no matter the business.

    They've got the one right way to do it.

    And that certainty makes you doubt yourself and your decisions. It also always has you on the lookout to find that silver bullet that's going to work flawlessly.

    But what if there's no one right way to market?

    How do you navigate the uncertainty and build your own confidence around marketing?

    This is what Expert Up Club member and career coach for teachers, Laura Litwiller, and I talk about on today's podcast.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • The importance of having a clear message in marketing. Laura mentions how refining her message through her "3 Word Rebellion" has boosted her confidence
    • Laura’s significant reduction in social media usage and what platform she uses now
    • The best platforms to reach Laura's target audience of teachers exploring career changes
    • Alternatives to social media, focusing on SEO, strategic partnerships, and one-on-one conversations, aiming to reach her audience more effectively.

    Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour Here

    Full show notes and transcript are here.

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    32 分
  • Don’t Let ‘em Shame You: Turn Your Expertise into a Marketing Superpower

    Let's face it. Experts are made to feel shame about their expertise.

    We too often hear things like:

    >>don't be an expert, be an explorer

    >>don't be smart, be curious

    >>don't be an expert, be a human

    And these things are said by the very people who claim to get experts known and hired for their work.

    And it is time, my friend, that we stop shitting on experts because here's the truth.

    The very thing you are told to deny about yourself, about your experience is what will make you great at marketing your business.

    Experts bring three great untapped strengths when it comes to marketing, and I'm gonna tell you all about it on this episode of the podcast.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • The pressure and societal messages that make experts feel ashamed of their expertise.
    • How expertise can be a superpower in marketing rather than a liability
    • The three untapped strengths that experts bring to marketing: insatiable curiosity, willingness to experiment and change course, and humility.

    Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour Here

    Full show notes and transcript are here.

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    13 分
  • Ditching Social Media: Why Less Social Is Better For Biz with Norma Frahn

    “I've been thinking all that time I'm spending over here on social, and I'm not spending really any quality time with the people that voluntarily chose to be in my world by opting into my thing.”

    Riddle me this, Batman.

    Why do we spend so much time on marketing that leads nowhere vs. focusing on marketing that works to get clients?

    It's probably because everybody on the interwebs is screaming at you to do more marketing and do it on social media, when for so many people, that is just a waste of time.

    At least that's what my guest, Norma Frahn, found out. When she right-sized her marketing efforts, she realized that social media wasn’t better for business. She changed course.

    Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour Here

    Full show notes and transcript are here.

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    34 分
  • Avoiding the Marketing Time Suck of Doom (for once and for all)

    Marketing feels like a time suck of doom.

    There's all this doubt.

    >>>Is it really working?

    >>>Am I getting it right? Whatever right means.

    And then despite spending so much time on your marketing, you're just not seeing the results you want to see.

    And then there's the beating yourself up of feeling like you're never doing enough despite your best efforts.

    And what I want for you is to stop the doubt, the worry, the beating yourself up. I don't want you to feel like you're wasting your time, energy, and money on marketing.

    Because as a solo business owner, you've got too much going on for any of that nonsense.

    • But how do you stop?
    • How can you make marketing suck less?

    I've got something brand new just for you.

    Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour Here

    Full show notes and transcript are here.

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    11 分
  • Make Marketing….Fun?!?: B2B Consultant Edition with Camille Rapacz

    “I went down a whole path that was completely not right for my business, and it was very frustrating, and I wasted a lot of time doing a lot of stuff that wasn't really helpful.”

    You know what really sucks about marketing?

    When you're told to market in a certain way that works for every business. And only after you've done all that work, invested all that money, you find out that ish was never gonna work for your business.

    Over the years, I've worked with so many B2B consultants who've gone down this exact path only to find out what works to market for them doesn't look like any of that online BS.

    And this is why I wanted to talk to Camille Rapacz about how she corrected the course and found out that marketing could actually be, dare I say, fun?

    In this episode, you will hear

    • Camille’s approach to meeting people and the importance of building relationships with fellow business owners.
    • The need to tailor marketing strategies to specific businesses and the importance of understanding industry differences.
    • Camille’s realization that traditional broadcasting marketing (social media posts, blog posts) did not work for her B2B consulting business.
    • The importance of using one's unique personality and strengths, especially as an introvert, in shaping effective marketing strategies.

    Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour Here

    Full show notes and transcript are here.

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    34 分
  • Opt-out of Opt-ins: Email Strategies That Actually Work with Bev Feldman

    “And then it kinda dawned on me last year, I don't need a lead magnet or an opt in. I think you talked about how every time you create something, even if it's free, you still have to “sell it”. I'm just selling my newsletter. It was like a weight lifted.”

    Think fast. How many lead magnets have you created for your business?

    For this iteration of my business, I have created at least 6 different lead magnets. Rarely have I created one that I was really satisfied with.

    I've spent so much time and energy trying to devise an irresistible opt-in that would lead people to my work.

    And it's hard to do, but know there is a different way.

    This is what Bev Feldman is here to talk about because trying to find that unicorn lead magnet was making marketing suck more for her and not less. So she went a different way.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • The pressure of social media and the overwhelming task of creating appealing lead magnets
    • Frustration with the conventional approach to creating lead magnets and opt-ins
    • Bev’s decision process to “sell” her newsletter
    • The significance of creating engaging emails that encourage responses and conversations.

    Ready to Market Like an Expert: Grab the Free Course

    Full show notes and transcript are here

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