• Ep 203 - Mastering the Art of Sleep: Techniques to Calm Your Mind

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    Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy, the podcast that empowers you to transform life's challenges into opportunities for personal growth and healthier relationships. We're your hosts, Tim and Ruth Olson, licensed marriage and family therapists and trauma experts. Each week, we bring you engaging conversations, expert insights, and practical strategies to help you heal from the past, foster healthy communication, and develop enduring love.

    In this episode, we dive into a technique designed to help you fall asleep and manage intrusive thoughts. Building on our previous discussion about the "pink elephant" phenomenon, we explore how to redirect your mind from persistent worries by focusing on a simple yet powerful exercise. Learn how to use the alphabet to create a chain of words that will occupy your mind, allowing you to relax and drift into sleep. This method can also be useful during the day to refocus your thoughts and reduce anxiety.

    Join us as we guide you through this process, share personal experiences, and explain the science behind why this technique works. Whether you're struggling with sleepless nights or just need a way to calm your mind, this episode offers practical advice to help you achieve a peaceful state of relaxation.

    Thank you for tuning in to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy. If you found this episode helpful, please share it with a friend and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Remember, there's always hope and there's always help.

    [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at podcast@mrandmrstherapy.com, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]

    {Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment. For personalized support, please seek professional help or call the National Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or needs emotional support.}

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    12 分
  • Ep 202 - Taming the Pink Elephant: Redirecting Your Focus for Emotional Clarity

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    Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy, the podcast dedicated to transforming life's challenges into opportunities for growth and healthier relationships. Hosted by licensed therapists Tim and Ruth Olson, this episode dives into the concept of "pink elephants"—those nagging problems that occupy our minds. Learn why focusing on these issues can heighten anxiety and discover practical strategies to redirect your thoughts and manage emotions effectively. Join us for expert insights and engaging conversations designed to help you heal from the past, foster healthy communication, and build enduring love.

    In this episode, Tim and Ruth explore how shifting your focus from persistent worries to positive distractions can lead to emotional clarity. They share personal anecdotes, practical advice, and even delve into the importance of order of operations in emotional management. Whether dealing with personal struggles, relationship conflicts, or parenting challenges, this episode offers valuable tools for navigating emotional turbulence. Tune in to learn how to manage your mind, calm your emotions, and approach problems with a clearer perspective.

    [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at podcast@mrandmrstherapy.com, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]

    {Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment. For personalized support, please seek professional help or call the National Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or needs emotional support.}

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    18 分
  • Ep 201 - Transforming Communication: Subtle Shifts for Stronger Relationships
    We want to work with YOU! 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy, the podcast that empowers you to transform life's challenges into opportunities for personal growth and healthier relationships. We're your hosts, Tim and Ruth Olson, licensed marriage and family therapists and trauma experts. As experienced therapists with backgrounds in addressing trauma and mental health disorders, we believe there is hope and there certainly is healing. We've spent our lives supporting people through the ups and downs, and we want to share these insights with you. Together, we'll unravel the layers of personal growth, healing from trauma, and building healthy relationships. Each week, we'll bring you engaging conversations, expert insights, and practical strategies to help you heal from the past, foster healthy communication, and develop enduring love. This podcast is your guide to transforming adversity into triumph, healing wounds and past trauma, gaining wisdom and insight, and creating meaningful, fulfilling connections. So if you're here to heal, to better understand yourself or your relationships, you're in the right place. So sit back, get comfortable, bring your trauma and your drama, and let's start healing. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy. Hey everyone, welcome back to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy podcast. We're so glad that you're here with us today. So in the last episode, we talked about communication and why word choice is so important and can impact your relationship. So we're going to continue that today. This will be part two of that. So far, we covered examples of constructive versus destructive word choice when we're talking about feelings, when we're discussing responsibilities, as well as when we're addressing concerns. And today we're going to pick up right there, but we're going to talk about subtle shifts in communication, as well as give you practical tips for communication in general. We just want to remind you that there are so many different nuances in communication. And when we see couples, a lot of times this is one of their main issues that they come in with. I'll ask them what they need help on, and a lot of times communication is their answer. And so when we look specifically at word choice, it's important because the words and the content matter, but really it also affects the emotional tone of the conversation. And it can positively affect it or it can negatively. So one clear example of this, and we used this in the last episode, but it's coming in and just saying what's wrong versus, hey, how are you doing? One is very assumptive and accusatory, and the other really comes from a place of concern and care. Or even just curiosity. And that leads to open dialogue and communication. So as we look today at those subtle shifts, one of the things that we want to look at is a request versus a demand. So an example of this would be, hey, would you mind helping me with the groceries versus help me bring the groceries in? And I know in the last episode, you talked about the pleasantries and the importance of that. And so I think that fits perfectly right here with requesting versus demanding. Oh, for sure. Because ultimately, the same thing happens in the end. There's going to be help with groceries, but there might be more begrudging help with the groceries, or there might be more irritable help with the groceries versus much calmer and more pleasant engagement with helping with the groceries. And again, one thing people can think is like, well, they should just grow up and get over themselves. They just need to come help the groceries. And maybe there's an element of truth to that. But again, you can smooth over a lot of potential difficulties by just being a little more careful and adding in a little more pleasantries into the discussion. And some of this is as simple as saying please or thank you. I think sometimes we get so comfortable with our spouse and I hear people saying, well, I shouldn't have to say all the extra stuff. They know what I mean. But in communication, it really is important to be intentional with your words. And some of that includes the pleasantries and saying please and saying things like, will you please help me with the groceries because just adding in that please or that thank you makes a world of difference. So another example of a subtle shift is expressing needs versus blaming. So blaming would look like you always ignore me when I'm talking to you versus being able to express your need. You could say, I feel important when you listen to me. There's something important I have to share with you. Could we find a time to talk without distraction? And I think one thing that's important about this is that one is coming from a place of vulnerability and the other one is being more aggressive and actually trying to hide or mask that vulnerability. And so when you're going from blaming, you're not really ...
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    22 分
  • Ep 200 - Celebrating Milestones and Mastering Communication

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    Welcome to the 200th episode of Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast! Join licensed marriage and family therapists, Tim and Ruth Olson, as they celebrate this exciting milestone and dive into one of the most requested topics: communication. With over 120,000 downloads, they express their gratitude to their listeners and offer tips on how to support the podcast further.

    In this episode, Tim and Ruth focus on the nuances of word choice in communication, discussing how small tweaks can significantly impact relationships. They provide examples of constructive versus destructive word choices in various contexts, such as inquiring about feelings, discussing responsibilities, and addressing concerns. Learn how to foster better understanding and emotional connection through mindful communication strategies.

    Stay tuned for the next episode where they will continue the discussion on communication, covering topics like requesting versus demanding, giving feedback versus criticizing, and practical tips for effective communication. Don't miss out on transforming your conversations and building healthier relationships!

    [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at podcast@mrandmrstherapy.com, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]

    {Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment. For personalized support, please seek professional help or call the National Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or needs emotional support.}

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    23 分
  • Ep 199 - Mastering Conflict Resolution in Marriage: Healthy Alternatives to Seeking Absolute Victory

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    Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy, the podcast that empowers you to transform life's challenges into opportunities for personal growth and healthier relationships. We're your hosts, Tim and Ruth Olson, licensed marriage and family therapists and trauma experts. Together, we'll unravel the layers of personal growth, healing from trauma, and building healthy relationships.

    In this episode, we continue our discussion from the last episode on why seeking absolute victory in arguments is detrimental to your marriage. We delve into the pitfalls and impacts of this approach on relationship dynamics. More importantly, we explore healthy alternatives to needing to win all the arguments.

    First, we emphasize the importance of practicing active listening. Instead of engaging in combative listening, we discuss how to fully understand your partner's perspective through supportive listening techniques. We then move on to empathy and validation, explaining how these elements are crucial in fostering mutual understanding and reducing defensiveness.

    Next, we highlight the need to look beyond surface arguments to identify underlying needs and fears driving the conflict. By understanding the heart behind the words, couples can navigate disagreements more effectively. Finally, we discuss the importance of seeking compromise and collaborative problem-solving, offering practical strategies for negotiating solutions that benefit both partners.

    Join us as we provide insights and tools to help you transform conflict into a pathway for deeper connection and stronger relationships. Remember, in marriage, you're a team, and winning together is the ultimate goal.

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Mr. and Mrs. Therapy. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share it with a friend and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. For more discussions and questions, visit our Facebook group via the link in the description. Remember, there's always hope and help available.

    [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at podcast@mrandmrstherapy.com, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]

    {Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment. For personalized support, please seek professional help or call the National Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or needs emotional support.}

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    20 分
  • Ep 198 - Winning the Battle, Losing the War: Navigating Conflicts in Marriage

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    Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy, the podcast that empowers you to transform life's challenges into opportunities for personal growth and healthier relationships. We're your hosts, Tim and Ruth Olson, licensed marriage and family therapists and trauma experts. Together, we'll unravel the layers of personal growth, healing from trauma, and building healthy relationships.

    In this episode, we discuss a common issue couples face: the pursuit of absolute victory in conflicts. We'll explore the pitfalls of trying to win every argument, the underlying drives such as control and insecurity, and the impact on your relationship. Learn how seeking to dominate in disagreements can lead to emotional distancing, loss of intimacy, and long-term relational breakdowns.

    Join us as we delve into the differences in decision-making and communication styles, and how they can cause friction. We'll also touch on the consequences of creating a culture of shame and the importance of resolving conflicts to avoid cumulative emotional damage.

    Tune in to understand why absolute victory in arguments isn't beneficial and stay tuned for our next episode where we'll offer healthy alternatives and practical tools to foster better communication and understanding in your marriage.

    Remember, your mind is a powerful thing. Thank you for joining us on Mr. and Mrs. Therapy. There's always hope, and there's always help.

    [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at podcast@mrandmrstherapy.com, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]

    {Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment. For personalized support, please seek professional help or call the National Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or needs emotional support.}

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    20 分
  • Ep 197 - Embracing Your Achievements: The Power of True Humility

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    Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Therapy, the podcast that empowers you to transform life's challenges into opportunities for personal growth and healthier relationships. We're your hosts, Tim and Ruth Olson, licensed marriage and family therapists and trauma experts. We've spent our lives supporting people through the ups and downs, and we want to share these insights with you.

    In this episode, we delve into the concept of false humility and its negative side effects. Discover the fine line between being humble and acknowledging your accomplishments without seeking external validation. Learn how to celebrate your successes genuinely and how this can positively impact your motivation and self-esteem.

    We'll share personal anecdotes, including a memorable experience from our children's jujitsu match and a recent racquetball game. These stories highlight the importance of allowing yourself to feel excitement and pride in your achievements. We'll also discuss how your attitude towards others' successes can shape your own journey to excellence.

    Join us as we explore practical strategies to embrace your strengths, foster a supportive community, and encourage others to shine brightly. If you're ready to transform adversity into triumph and build meaningful, fulfilling connections, you're in the right place. So sit back, get comfortable, and let's start healing together.

    [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at podcast@mrandmrstherapy.com, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]

    {Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment. For personalized support, please seek professional help or call the National Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or needs emotional support.}

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    14 分
  • Ep 196 - Embracing Your True Identity: Quieting the Noise Around You

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    Welcome back to the Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast! In this episode, we delve into the importance of knowing your true identity and how it can help you stay focused on your path without getting sidetracked by others' opinions.

    We discuss a powerful analogy about how understanding who you are can protect you from hurtful comments and criticism, just like how you wouldn't be offended by someone criticizing your blue hair if you don't have blue hair.

    We'll also explore the role of trusted individuals in shaping and affirming your identity, and how listening to the right voices can help you grow and stay true to yourself. Join us for an enlightening conversation on self-awareness, personal growth, and the power of positive self-talk.

    [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at podcast@mrandmrstherapy.com, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]

    {Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment. For personalized support, please seek professional help or call the National Suicide Hotline at 988 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or needs emotional support.}

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    16 分