Are you noticing challenging feelings coming up in your motherhood? Are you noticing little whispers in your conscious and gentle parenting mind that seem to shame your anger, aggression and frustration?
So let’s move beyond the patriarchal programming of sugar and spice and all things nice, to embrace your wholeness as a woman and a mother.
In this episode we discuss:
- How we feel about expressions of anger and aggression in our children
- When you hit your edges of self-worth in your anger and frustration
- That habit of flicking off ownership and making it someone else’s fault
- Our strong desire to get back into being ‘kind’
- Pedestalling and infatuating with being calm and spacious
- The invitation to see and love more of ourselves and others
- Feedback that your values are changing
- Anger is the war-cry against the mental and emotional-labour jail
To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/
To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/