
  • Katie MacKenzie talks about the Cervical Cancer Screening process

    Katie MacKenzie from Audley Health Centre talks about the Cervical Cancer Screening process.

    In this episode, Katie discusses various aspects of the test, talks through the process and tries to allay any concerns you may have. Katie covers topics such as: -

    • The statistics behind Cervical Cancer rates.
    • Who is eligible.
    • Ways in which they can help reduce your anxiety
    • What happens if HPV is detected.

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  • NN-PCN Newsletter - Issue 14, May 2024

    The main article in this edition of the newsletter podcast has information on some of the achievements made by the PCN over the last year (2023-24)

    It also has information on: -

    • The appointment of Dr Rao as Clinical Director of the PCN.
    • Monthly Digital Health workshops that are being run across the 5 surgeries of the PCN.
    • NHS Digital and On-line consultation.

    Here is a link to the Newcastle North Primary Care Network (NN-PCN) website if you would like to find out more: - https://www.newcastlenorthpcn.nhs.uk

    If you have any questions or suggestions for other topics we can cover in future podcasts you can email us at ⁠admin@kidsgrovegpsppg.co.uk⁠

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  • Claire Knight (NN-PCN Operations Manager) talks to us about our PCN

    Claire Knight who is the Operations Manager for the Newcastle North Primary Care Network (PCN) talks about the PCN and covers the following topics: -

    • What is a PCN?
    • Why do we have to be in a PCN?
    • Who is in the PCN?
    • What services are offered by the PCN?
    • How does the Newcastle North PCN compare to other PCNs?

    Here is a link to the Newcastle North Primary Care Network (NN-PCN) website if you would like to find out more: - https://www.newcastlenorthpcn.nhs.uk

    If you have any questions or suggestions for other topics we can cover in future podcasts you can email us at ⁠admin@kidsgrovegpsppg.co.uk⁠

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  • NN-PCN Newsletter - Issue 13, February 2024

    The main article in this edition of the newsletter podcast gives information on Support for Falls Prevention.

    It also has articles on: -

    • Digital Drop-in sessions
    • The NHS App
    • Online Consultations
    • Prostate Cancer, including the 30 Second Risk Checker

    Here are the links to the services that were mentioned in the podcast: -

    Dr Rao’s YouTube video on the symptoms of prostate cancer and what to do if you are concerned - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol20AXzY_54 

    Prostate Cancdr UK Check your risk in 30 seconds - Check your risk in 30 seconds-Prostate Cancer UK 

    Getting Started with the NHS App guide - http://mountroadpracticeppg.nhs.uk/nhs-app-guide-2

    Click here to subscribe to the written versions of the newsletter and receive new copies automatically, as they are published - http://eepurl.com/hiRJrv

    You access the written edition of the newsletter by clicking here.

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  • Carrie Eckersley our PCN Dietitian talks about weight management and obesity

    Carrie Eckersley who is the Dietitian for the Newcastle North Primary Care Network (PCN) talks about weight management and obesity.

    Some of the topics covered by Carrie in this podcast include: -

    • How are weight management and obesity defined?
    • Health risks associated with carrying excess weight.
    • Some of the root causes of obesity.
    • Support that is available to help you manage your weight.
    • Weight loss drugs.

    Here are the links to the services that were mentioned in the podcast: -

    NHS BMI Calculator: BMI calculator | Check your BMI - NHS | Please fill in your details (www.nhs.uk)

    World Obesity Federation: Homepage | World Obesity Federation

    NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (GP Referral required): NHS England » The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme

    Staffs & SOT NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (self-referral): NHS Digital Weight Management Programme - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, ICS (staffsstokeics.org.uk)

    Everyone Health Staffordshire Weight Management (self-referral): Weight Management - Everyone Health Staffordshire

    Staffs and SOT Wellbeing Service (self-referral): Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Talking Therapies – Free & Confidential Talking Therapy (staffsandstoketalkingtherapies.nhs.uk)

    We’re sure that you will find the podcast very informative and useful.

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  • NN-PCN Newsletter - Issue 12, October 2023

    The main article in this edition of the newsletter covers Early Cancer Diagnosis and the NHS Screening programmes: -

      • Breast Cancer screening
      • Cervical Cancer screening
      • Bowel Cancer screening

    It also has articles on: -

    • The Autumn COVID and Flu vaccinations
    • Digital Drop-in sessions
    • Online Consultations

    For more information on cancer screening programmes please follow this link NHS England » Screening and earlier diagnosis 

    Click here to subscribe to the written versions of the newsletter and receive new copies automatically, as they are published - http://eepurl.com/hiRJrv

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  • NN-PCN Newsletter - Issue 11, July 2023

    The main article in this edition of the newsletter cover Access Improvement Plans, including topics on: -

      • Websites
      • Online Consultations
      • Telephone Systems and ‘Cloud Telephony’

    It also has articles on: -

    • The specialists in the PCN team
    • Access to GP records and online access
    • Patient Feedback

    Links to the Practice websites: -

    Audley Health Centre   Heathcote Street Surgery     Dr Harbidge & Partners     Mount Road Practice    Talke Clinic

    Link to the PCN Specialist team - https://www.newcastlenorthpcn.nhs.uk/alerts/our-specialist-team/ 

    Link to the NHS App information - NHS App and your NHS account - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

    Links to Patient Feedback for each of the practices - Audley Health Centre     Heathcote Street Surgery   Kidsgrove Medical Centre  Mount Road Practice   Talke Clinic

    Click here to subscribe to the written versions of the newsletter and receive new copies automatically, as they are published - http://eepurl.com/hiRJrv

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  • Sleepstation

    Sleepstation is an initiative that is being supported by the NHS and is a drug-free way of helping people sleep better without pills. The online course is clinically proven to combat even the most severe insomnia.

    Insomnia is the most common of all sleep disorders but most people don’t know where to go for help. All too often, people resort to taking sleeping pills in an attempt to gain control over their sleep. Sleeping pills do not provide natural sleep, they are ineffective and potentially harmful.

    Sleepstation helps people understand how to control sleep so that they can sleep well again.

    Through Sleepstation, you’ll have access to the most effective treatment available for insomnia - CBTi (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia). CBTi is more effective than sleeping pills and is recommended for even the most severe insomnia. Sleepstation’s online sleep improvement programme consistently helps people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and get better quality sleep.

    You’ll have access to a team of sleep coaches who will be there to support and guide you. The Sleepstation programme builds on basic sleep improvement principles with personalised modules tailored to the individual, their problems and their lifestyle. Sleepstation helps people regain confidence in their ability to sleep soundly night after night.

    You can request access Sleepstation by clicking on this link https://www.sleepstation.org.uk/nhs_options Once on the website search for your survey and click on check availability. A request will be made to your GP for referral to the Sleepstation programme.

    If you decide you don’t want to access the Sleepstation programme you can still subscribe for sleep tips using this link https://www.sleepstation.org.uk/how-sleepstation-works/ 

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