
  • E 177: A discussion with Robert Kennedy Jr.

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    Today, we have a creative discussion with Robert Kennedy Jr. to learn his perspective of the Democrat party, how it has changed over the years and to gain insight into his reasons for joining forces with Trump.

    How would you describe the Democratic Party of your father and Uncle and what does the party represent today?

    Is this why you left the Democrat Party?

    The Democrats talk about “saving the Democracy”…seems to be their only agenda short of hating Trump. Do you agree?

    Has the DNC forever tarnished what we once held true, honorable and worthy in representing Democracy on the global stage?

    How did the Democrats redefine the definition of Democracy so quickly?

    How serious is the Main Stream Media and Social Media Collusion? How deep is the corruption?

    Talk to us about the NeoCons, Foreign Actors and the Threat of WW3.

    Just recently, you joined forces with Trump, suspending your campaign and endorsing Trump as a Unity Party. Tell us more about that.

    You are a strong advocate for ending Chronic Diseases. Tell us more about these challenges?

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  • E 176: Top 10 things holding back the Advancement of Gods Kingdom

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    Happy Labor Day! Hopefully you are not at work today…but celebrating that you have work.

    Again, in the spirit of Late Night with David letterman…

    here are our Top 10 things that may be holding the advancement of Gods Kingdom back.

    10. The Warring Angels are on Holiday, hence evil is running rampant

    9. God is still searching for the 144,000 Chosen so he can begin to prepare them for whatever he has planned

    8. God has given the world over to Satan for a season to refine His Chosen, like he did for Job.

    7. God is simply not ready yet. He wants chaos to continue UNTIL we repent! Could America survive 4 more years under Commrade Chaos Kamala? The ones that follow Christ could!

    6. Our Spiritual Leadership (Pastors, Priests, Imans, etc) have mislead us or they are clueless themselves to as to how best to STIR their congregations to grow up in Christ. (Maybe our delivery needs to change with the times…meaning maybe leaders need to be more truthful, bold and blunt to wake the sheep up!)

    5. God is waiting for all the chess pieces to align on the global scale that will usher in the next wave of repentance or events prior to Judgement Day. (Think about this…the Chess Pieces in the board game RISK..are currently all unstable or in a state of change…Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, China, etc)

    4. Forces of darkness seem to have the advantage at the moment. Suicide is at an all time high, driven by depression, disconnection, and dysfunction…an inability to cope in a world of fake relationships (dis-social media), lack of vision, no path to the American dream (better job, 1st time homeownership, and youth opting away from having kids). RFKJ and Calley Means, author of Good Energy, quotes a whole host of stats that ARE existential threats to Americans of all ages. 70% of our diets are ultra processed foods. 30% of young adults are pre diabetes; 50% of young adults are overweight or obese; 40% of youth are diagnosed with mental health disorders; these stats were closer to Zero just a generation ago! Our biggest institutions (from Big Pharma to hospitals, doctors and medical institutions PROFIT when our kids are diagnosed with these chronic diseases. Trump and RFKJ are of one accord and focused on addressing these issues.

    3. Regardless of who wins the Presidency, find your calling (your gift, passion and battlefield), find your voice, trust God to provide FAVOR and engage. Maybe quit that third (10 hours a week low paying job) and get involved at school (or wherever your battlefield is). Trust God to stretch your dollar and shrink your budget…expect God to honor and reward your new Godly focus!

    2. If Trump wins, you’ll find less destructive opposition. If not, Trust God more!

    1. Hound the gates of heaven with prayer to heal our land!

    Let us approach the throne of grace with CONFIDENCE, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in times of trouble (Heb 4:16)

    And this IS the confidence that we HAVE in Him, that WHATEVER we ask according to his will, we know that he hears us, and knowing that he hears us in what we ask, we know we have the very petition of our heart. (1John 5:14-16)

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  • E 175: Top 20 "Best Ideas" to Turn America Around for the Better

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    In the spirit of Late Night with David letterman…here's our Top 20 "Best Ideas" that could turn America around for the better.

    20. New Vaccination Mandate for all deep state actors, politicians, questionable judges, media anchors, attorneys, and justices. The new vaccine requires them to take six boosters of truth serum and then be interviewed on national news by a panel of truth seekers.

    19. A federal ban on Stupidity. Anyone found saying something stupid (defined as any statement proven as non-sense or unreasonable) is immediately fired (regardless of rank, wealth or status), and banned from holding any future position of power.

    18. A federal ban on lying, cheating, stealing, including any deceptive statements or actions, that again can be proven as such, by an oversight committee of 9 and verified by a secondary audit committee of 7. Those found guilty, would be fired and banned from holding any future position of power.

    17. Defund higher educational institutions that have more than 1 billion in their endowments. If registered paying students (Visas or not) are arrested for anti-American values at protests…the student is evicted from the institution and the college is fined $2 million per incident.

    16. Mandate media benefit the good of the citizens. Stop telling lies, hold government officials accountable. Journalist found untruthful, inciting hate speech, are fined $500,000 per incident and their affiliation network is fined $1 million per incident.

    15. Licensing journalists as influences of the general public, thereby if they are caught lying to the public, their license can be pulled and they lose their job

    14. Audit all federal agencies and the Federal Reserve, including Forth Knox, which was las done in 1953

    13. Disbar all lawyers and judges not following our laws

    12. Hold a national convention of Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Ancient Religious leaders to attend a week long working session to define and present spiritual paths forward to civility, peace and unity.

    11. Cut all federal department budgets by 50%, DOE get cut 90%

    10. Eliminate all pork barrel spending and require ALL NEW BILLS to be SINGLE ISSUE BILLS

    9. More effective rebuking of Social Media users to begin forwarding and sharing uplifting Christian messaging and less about their dining experiences, concert pics or stupid selfies

    8. Another “Wake Up” event, similar to 911, that CALLS US ALL BACK to Love of Christ; Love of Country and Love for our fellow man

    7. Trump suggests 10 years in prison for destruction of monuments (no bail no exceptions) 1 year in jail for burning the flag!

    6. Trump will request all resignations be submitted on Inauguration Day by top officials or expect to be fired without benefits

    5. Get back to the understanding the Bible and how its wisdom and counsel served as this country's founding foundation.

    4. “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God..." Ephesians 4:11-14

    3. Hound the gates of Glory and ask God to show mercy and heal our land.

    2. And this IS the confidence that we HAVE in Him, that WHATEVER we ask according to his will, we know that he hears us, and knowing that he hears us in what we ask, we know we have the very petition of our heart. (1John 5:14-16)

    1. Let us approach the throne of grace with CONFIDENCE, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in times of trouble (Heb 4:16)

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  • E 174: Post Inauguration Day Scenarios & What the Bible says about Election Criteria

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    In todays show, Mark and Dave explore three 'Post Inauguration Day' scenarios and dig into scriptures that speak to our role with regard to elections.

    Scenario 1: Trump wins by a landslide:
    Overnight Peace on a global scale
    Corrective policies deployed to right the ship
    Extreme left & deep state bureaucrats will dig in to defend their ground
    Coverups will be fully exposed
    Low level players / department heads may be prosecuted
    Biden crime family fades away

    Scenario 2: Trump wins by a narrow margin:
    The left will contest the results
    Media will continue to fight non stop
    Coverups and corruption remains
    Few will be held to account
    Biden crime family fades away

    Scenario 3: Harris / Walz win by narrow margin:
    Persecution of Trump and all MAGA activist
    China advances on Taiwan
    Iran and her proxies all move against Israel
    Full appeasement strategy with over seas actors

    What does the Bible say about Elections?

    Deuteronomy 17:14-20 NIV
    be sure to appoint over you a king the Lord your God chooses. He must be from among your fellow Israelites. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not an Israelite. 16 The king, moreover, must not acquire great numbers of horses for himself or make the people return to Egypt to get more of them, for the Lord has told you, "You are not to go back that way again." 18 When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests. 19 It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees 20 and not consider himself better than his fellow Israelites and turn from the law to the right or to the left. Then he and his descendants will reign a long time over his kingdom in Israel.

    Proverbs 14:34 NIV

    34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.

    Proverbs 21:1 NIV

    1 In the Lord's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.

    Proverbs 29:2 NIV

    2 When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.

    Deuteronomy 1:13 NIV

    13 Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you."

    2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

    14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

    Ecclesiastes 10:2 NIV

    2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

    Exodus 18:17-26 NIV

    20 Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. 21 But select capable men from all the people-men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain-and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.

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  • E 173: STEP RIGHT UP! Free Vasectomies and Abortion Pills at the DNC - Curtesy of Plan Parenthood! Welcome to the CIRCUS!

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    Welcome to the Democratic National Circus O'Lay from Chicago, IL.


    Headliners all week feature LIERS, DECEIVERS, PROPAGANDIZERS, SOCIALIST, and JOYOUS HATERS of all race and creed!

    Join the party inside the safety of the UNITED CENTER in the most violent, crime ridden city of downtown Chicago.

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  • E 172: Agenda 47: Trump vs Harris - Positions and Policies Side by Side

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    Harris/Walz: they don’t have one

    Harris: Keep Border Open; Continue to Register Illegals to Vote - Border Czar

    Harris: Carry out the largest illegal AMNESTY FOR ALL ILLEGALS (gangs, rapist, criminals)

    Trump: END INFLATION & Make America AFFORDABLE Again
    Harris: Continue to spend in hopes of decreasing inflation; Socialist Price Fixing

    Trump: Make America Dominant Energy Producer; Drill; Remove senseless and abusive Regulations
    Harris: Against Fracking & Drilling. Continue to buy dirty energy from hostile enemies

    Trump: Drill; remove restrictive Regulations; Stop Outsourcing and bring Manufacturing back
    Harris: No Position

    Trump: NO WARS UNDER TRUMPS FIRST TERM; US was respected

    Trump: End Weaponization of Government / Remove Deep State actors
    Harris: Supports ILLEGAL LAWFARE against opponents and stacking Supreme Court; No parental rights over child gender confusion

    Trump: Stop Migrant Crime, Demolish Drug Cartels, Crush Gang Violence, Re-Fund Police
    Harris: Supported defunding Cops; Supports Criminal Bail Out Funds

    Trump: Pro-Life: Return it to the States
    Harris: Pro-DEATH & Right to Chose up to Birth and AFTER the Birth

    Trump: Cut funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory; Gender Ideology
    Harris: Supports Gender Affirming Mutilation of Children; NO RIGHTS for Parents

    Trump: PRO-ISRAEL - Abraham Accords; US Embassy in Jerusalem; Deport Pro-Hamas Radicals
    Harris: Supported Pro-Hamas until it was not cool; Supported anti-Israel until it was not cool; has no Foreign Affairs experience

    Trump: Secure our elections, same day voting, VOTER ID, Paper Ballots, Proof of Citizenship
    Harris: 15 Million illegals into the state with goal of getting them to vote and AMNESTY for ALL

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  • E 171: A Look at Covenant Relationships

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    In our show entitled “Our Encounter with a Messenger” (E 169); Michael the Messenger left us with this instruction:

    “Study Covenant Relationships”

    So we did.

    There are FIVE foundational Covenants with man in the Bible.

    But first, a little history on covenants.

    The Idea of Covenant. The term "covenant" is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning a coming together. It presupposes two or more parties who come together to make a contract, agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities.

    God covenanted [or promised] with Noah after the flood that a like judgment should not be repeated. The principal covenants are the covenant of works --God promising to save and bless men on condition of obedience --and the covenant of grace, or God's promise to save men on condition of their believing in Christ and receiving him as their Master and Saviour.

    Noahic Covenant
    Abrahamic Covenant
    Mosaic Covenant
    Davidic Covenant

    Jesus Is the Covenantal Climax

    The New Testament authors present Jesus as the offspring of Abraham who trusted Yahweh, even to the point of death, and became a blessing to all nations. He is the greater Moses, leading us out of bondage, and he is the obedient Israelite who perfectly follows the laws of God. He is the royal son of David who inaugurated God’s Kingdom in his life, death, and resurrection, and who now sits at God’s right hand forever reigning as the one true King.

    Jesus perfectly succeeded at every point where humanity failed. He is the guarantor and mediator of the new and better covenant (Heb. 7:22, 9:15). Now people from every nation, tribe, and tongue who trust Jesus can become a part of God’s covenant family.

    In the new covenant, we receive the forgiveness of sins and God’s empowering Spirit to help us live lives full of self-giving love. Because of Jesus, we can live righteously and partner with him as he renews the world.

    And from Jesus he only asks us to BELIEVE! If not in himself, then in the works that he did!

    John 3:16 Whomsoever believes.

    No works required. Simply believe. Yet there are countless benefits, promises and empowering traits or attributes of character that are PROMISED to those that surrender all and accept the call (challenge) to “work towards” the same objectives Christ taught.

    Insight, discretion, power, authority, wisdom, strength, understanding, compassion, purpose, etc, etc comes to mind.

    These were NOT given to the man on the cross that asked Christ to forgive him…he was going to die…he had no time to use these gifts…but Jesus said..today you will be with me in Paradise. He simply believed. There were no works for this brother.

    But to those that remain, those that are alive today in Christ…these believers have been given many promises, gifts, talents and authority…because we have a job to do…until we don’t.

    Whitney Woollard is a writer, speaker, and Bible teacher in Portland, OR. She holds her M.A. in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary and loves sharing her passion for the Bible with others. You can check out her work at her website, whitneywoollard.com

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  • E 170: The Messenger and the Challenge To All of Us.

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    Friday we posted “Our Encounter with a Messenger” podcast.

    I hope you found that show worthy of “self examination” as you pondered our questions AND, worthy of sharing with your sphere of influence.

    Hopefully you did or plan to.

    While the encounter was (in my opinion) for Mark and I to ponder, we felt the “encounter” itself AND the actionable instruction to share this story of encouragement, faith and inspiration was worthy of sharing with you…SO THAT you could leverage it to encourage or plant seeds of hope with your friends and family.

    It’s our hope that that show will go viral with your help!

    KEY ACTIONABLE HIGHLIGHTS to glean from that episode.

    1. ALL of the Bible characters we referenced in last weeks show, from Mary to Joesph, to Moses, Lot, Gideon, John, Paul, etc, All of these now known characters, were unknown people when they received their message.
    2. What made them known names…relevant names worthy of remembering, comes down to one simple fact. They all acted on what they were told and accepted their instruction or message BY FAITH!
    3. Is it easier to write it off as an extremely bizarre string of coincidences OR is it easier to simply deploy one’s faith and ignite the possibilities?
    4. If you opt to write it off as strange coincidence…there’s nothing more to do, but more importantly…There is nothing more to gain!
    5. If you give it credence and opt to deploy your faitheverything is possible…there is much to gain!

    We thought it was important to share this encounter with our listeners because it presents a great opportunity for all of us to check our Faith Meter.

    What would you do if you were urged to do something as bizarre as Michael was? Would you have hopped a plane and fly blindly to some place without a clue as to why and with whom?

    What would you do if you were in our shoes?

    Would you share your encounter with others? Would you allow your faith to engage? Would you surrender and trust your gut? Is it possible that in your sphere of influence…there is someone that just might benefit from hearing this story?

    These are great questions to ponder for yourself, leveraging a true story that took place in front of many witnesses.

    Better yet, these are great questions you can share within your sphere of influence, to possibly (be an earthly messenger yourself) to encourage them, challenge them or inspire them.

    I’ve answered these questions and decided to share this story with all our listeners because I believe it could take your FAITH to new heights!

    Whether you believe in Angels, Messengers or not…I challenge you to forward this show to all your FB, Instagram, TwitterXers and Messenger contacts…regardless of their beliefs!

    Simply forward this show to them….saying “you gotta hear this!”

    Maybe that phrase is the only words or seeds you need to sow, to get them to ponder the questions / scenarios, I presented in the program.

    Think about it. It’s not your testimony. It’s not your neck on the line. It’s mine…and I don’t care what people may think.

    I only care that YOU and your sphere of influence, ponder the question…what would YOU do or THEY do?

    We hope you agree and step out in Faith to share the challenge!

    Just to be clear, this show, as was the last, is all about FAITH…a message of Faith, asking the question, what would you do?

    The event, while significantly important, is not the main take away here. It’s about Faith in Action. Challenging others to ponder real world action they can take by stepping into the spiritual realm.

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