
  • Shitali – Yoga Breathing exercise for freshness & relaxation
    Sitali, the cooling breath, enables you to cool down, to relax, control appetite if you are on a diet and to prevent headache. It is a Pranayama to reduce an access of Pitta, of fire. With the help of this … Weiterlesen →
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  • Plavini Pranayama – Breathing Exercise for higher Awareness
    Plavini Pranayama – for alertness and inner clarity. A little-known breathing exercise which can be quite helpful during meditation – and during the day. Try it out. More Videos on Pranayama, Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga … Weiterlesen →
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  • Anuloma Viloma – Yoga breathing exercice (Pranayama) for balance and harmony
    Concentration of mind and inner strength – some of the effects of Anuloma Viloma, the alternate nostril breathing. You can do it sitting on a chair in front of the Computer. Or you can practice sitting on a pillow or … Weiterlesen →
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  • Murccha Pranayama – Soothing Breath
    Murccha Pranayama is a breathing exercise for calming the mind. It is especially helpful to calm anger and nervousness. Also powerful to control hay fever and other allergies. It reduces access of Pitta Dosha according to Ayurveda. It opens the … Weiterlesen →
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  • Murccha Pranayama with Khechari and Mahavedha
    An advanced form of Yoga Pranayama for the experienced Hatha Yoga Practioners. Murccha in kombination with Khechari and Mahavedha opens the heart, can develop a feeling of ecstasy. It can be quite powerful – in many ways. Therefore: Be careful … Weiterlesen →
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  • Chandra Bedha Pranayama
    Calm your mind, reduce excess Pitta and develop coolness… With Chandra Bedha Pranayama, a more exotic kind of breathing exercise, used in Hatha Yoga and Ayurveda. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides … Weiterlesen →
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  • Advanced Murccha Pranayama
    A little-known Yoga Breathing exercise for opening your heart: Advanced Murccha Pranayama as described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into this Pranayama. You can see … Weiterlesen →
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  • Gorilla, the cleansing Yoga Pranayama
    Cleanse your lungs and activate the energy field of your chest with Gorilla, a Yoga Pranayama exercise for beginners and advanced. You can practice in the morning to wake up or after office work to be able to start the … Weiterlesen →
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