著者: Vanessa Bertinotti
  • サマリー

  • Mi chiamo Vanessa Bertinotti, vivo a Lugano, Svizzera. La mia missione: portare al tavolo esperti, persone che mi ispirano o che condividono con me la passione per l'ottimizzazione della salute e il biohacking. Il "biohacking" è sostanzialmente l'arte di sviluppare il nostro potenziale, sentirsi un "biohacker" è prima di tutto una mentalità: il desiderio di diventare la migliore versione di se stesso. Le informazioni contenute nel mio Podcast hanno carattere puramente divulgativo e NON SOSTITUISCONO una CONSULENZA MEDICA o TERAPEUTICA.
    Vanessa Bertinotti
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Mi chiamo Vanessa Bertinotti, vivo a Lugano, Svizzera. La mia missione: portare al tavolo esperti, persone che mi ispirano o che condividono con me la passione per l'ottimizzazione della salute e il biohacking. Il "biohacking" è sostanzialmente l'arte di sviluppare il nostro potenziale, sentirsi un "biohacker" è prima di tutto una mentalità: il desiderio di diventare la migliore versione di se stesso. Le informazioni contenute nel mio Podcast hanno carattere puramente divulgativo e NON SOSTITUISCONO una CONSULENZA MEDICA o TERAPEUTICA.
Vanessa Bertinotti
  • 147 - Maurizio Armanetti : “Oltre i confini della mente: rabdomanzia e teletrasporto quantistico ” || SALUTE E BIOHACKING

    L'episodio di oggi s'intitola “Oltre i confini della mente: rabdomanzia eteletrasporto quantistico ” e il mio ospite è Maurizio Armanetti. Maurizio nasce come geobiologo e rabdomante professionista di Pontremoli (Massa-Carrara), noto per la sua abilità nella ricerca di risorse idriche sotterranee, in particolare acquiferi profondi e acque termali. Fondatore della società "ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C. s.a.s.", ex "Luni Ricerche", vanta un tasso di successo superiore al 99%, certificato da Enti dello Stato italiano per le acque termali e certificato da ITALGAS per le acque potabili. Il suo metodo unisce geologia, fisica quantistica e intuizione, portandolo alla ribalta internazionale con casi come la scoperta di un acquifero a Rapallo, celebrata dal New York Times e dall'allora Ministro dei lavori pubblici, on. Enrico Ferri.


    00:00 Introduzione

    01:48 Maurizio Armanetti: un viaggio nella percezione energetica

    05:05 Lo sviluppo della metodologia di Armanetti

    10:01 Sfide e scetticismo nella scoperta dell’acqua

    14:26 Comprendere la quantumesia e la sua base scientifica

    18:05 La superiorità della coscienza umana

    22:03 Insegnare il Metodo: talento vs. formazione

    26:10 Collegarsi a luoghi distanti: Il processo spiegato

    31:21 Collaborazione con scienziati e scoperte sorprendenti

    38:08 Verifica dei risultati e superamento dello scetticismo

    47:12 Confronto con gli Scettici

    50:23 Lo Scontro tra scientismo e fisica quantistica

    55:38 Applicazioni innovative della metodologia

    01:01:13 Scoperte future nella fisica quantistica

    01:10:00 Il ruolo della coscienza nella mente quantistica

    01:15:33 L’Importanza della serietà nella ricerca


    Vanessa Bertinotti è una biohacker svizzera riconosciuta per il suo approccio integrato al biohacking, che combina scienza, tecnologia e pratiche naturali per ottimizzare il benessere. Certificata in ipnosi, aiuta i suoi clienti a sviluppare nuove abitudini e a superare blocchi mentali che ostacolano il cambiamento. Crede fermamente che l’inconscio giochi un ruolo cruciale nelle scelte e nelle abitudini individuali e il suo lavoro unisce il miglioramento dello stile di vita con una profonda consapevolezza interiore. Per Vanessa, il miglioramento personale significa anche rispettare la natura e contribuire al benessere collettivo.

    📚 Autrice del libro:"Biohacking Guide: A Journey Through Science, Nature and Awareness" 👉

    (versione italiana del libro presto disponibile)

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    Se credi in un futuro più sano, consapevole e sostenibile, puoi contribuire a diffondere conoscenza e ispirare il cambiamento sostenendo il lavoro di Vanessa. Ogni donazione aiuta a costruire un movimento per il benessere collettivo.

    🔗 Dona ora: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Con gratitudine,Vanessa ❤️

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    1 時間 31 分
  • 146 - Philipp Samor von Holzendorff-Fehling: “ The Quantum Energy Revolution” || SALUTE E BIOHACKING

    Philipp Samor von Holzendorff-Fehling is a prominent figure in the biohacking community, known for integrating quantum energy concepts into health and wellness practices. He is the founder and CEO of Leela Quantum Tech and Quantum Upgrade, companies that develop products aimed at enhancing well-being through quantum energy applications. Before venturing into the wellness industry, Philipp had a successful international business career, including executive roles at T-Mobile International and T-Mobile US, where he served as Vice President. In addition to his corporate experience, Philipp has spent over two decades training in shamanic and other energy healing practices, developing his skills as an energy healer. He is also a kundalini yoga teacher and a passionate bio and bio-energy hacker. Philipp is an active speaker at biohacking and wellness conferences, sharing insights on how quantum energy and frequency medicine can improve health outcomes. His work continues to influence the biohacking community, particularly in exploring the intersection of quantum energy and holistic wellness.

    For my community Leela Quantum Tech is offering a discount code. Just head on, and use the code VANESSA to get 10% off on all their products.

    For my community Quantum Upgrade is offering a discount code. Just head on, and use the code VANESSA for 15 days FREE TRIAL.


    00:00 Introduction

    02:15 Philippe's Journey from Corporate to biohacking

    04:38 Understanding Quantum Energy and its Impact

    08:56 The Science behind Quantum Technologies

    14:49 Leela Quantum Tech products and their benefits

    19:44 EMF Radiation and its effects on health

    26:07 Comparing Leela Quantum Tech and Quantum Upgrade

    31:29 Understanding Quantum Energy and Frequencies

    33:02 The Challenge of public perception

    36:54 The Science behind Quantum Technology

    39:54 The Impact of Quantum Technology on water

    42:12 Filtering vs. Structuring water

    44:17 The role of sacred geometry

    45:58 Material choices in Quantum Devices

    47:51 Tailoring Quantum Technology for specific needs

    50:26 Long-term goals for Leela Quantum Tech

    51:47 Regulation in biohacking and Quantum Therapy

    52:41 Essential tools for daily well-being

    54:18 Morning routines and personal practices

    55:02 Influential books and experiences


    Vanessa Bertinotti is a Swiss biohacker recognized for her integrated approach to biohacking, which combines science, technology, and natural practices to optimize well-being. Certified in hypnosis, Vanessa helps her clients establish new habits and overcome mental blocks that hinder change. She firmly believes that the unconscious plays a crucial role in individual choices and habits, and her work blends lifestyle improvement with deep inner awareness. For Vanessa, self-improvement also means respecting nature and contributing to collective well-being.

    With this vision, she created the independent podcast "Salute e Biohacking", a space where she interviews international experts and enthusiasts of personal growth and biohacking. Each episode delves into complex topics related to health and awareness, offering practical tools to empower listeners to take charge of their well-being. The podcast is available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. Most episodes are in Italian, but there are also interviews in English and French. Additionally, subtitles in all languages can be activated on YouTube.


    If you believe in a healthier, more mindful, and sustainable future, you can help spread knowledge and inspire change by supporting Vanessa’s work. Every donation contributes to building a movement for collective well-being.

    🔗 Donate now: ⁠⁠⁠⁠

    With gratitude,Vanessa ❤️

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    57 分
  • 145 - Denisa Miu and Max Wolter: “Conscious Health Summit in Lisbon” || SALUTE E BIOHACKING

    Today we will talk about the “Conscious Health Summit in Lisbon” with the two founders: Denisa Miu and Max Wolter. For my community “Consciuous Health Summit” is offering a discount code. Just head on and use the coupon code VANESSA to get 10% off on normal tickets. Dates: Lisbon, May 2nd and 3rd 2025


    00:00 Introduction

    01:03 Personal Health Journeys: Max and Denisa

    05:10 Denisa's Roots and Health Philosophy

    10:47 The Intersection of Health and Purpose

    12:23 Defining Health: A Personal Perspective

    14:21 Self-Awareness and Empowerment in Health

    15:45 Understanding Biohacking

    17:52 Living a Good Life: Freedom and Contentment

    20:12 Inspiration Behind the Conscious Health Summit

    22:48 Conscious Health Summit: Goals and Philosophy

    23:49 What Sets the Summit Apart

    27:54 Exciting Topics and Speakers at the Summit

    31:42 Key Lessons and Mindset Shifts from the Summit

    33:30 Favorite Biohacking Tools and Techniques

    34:16 Health Benefits of Supplements and Lifestyle Changes

    36:31 Creating an Ideal Health Routine

    41:01 Impact of Advanced Health Practices

    44:02 Challenges in Health Accessibility

    48:03 The Importance of Community in Health

    49:23 Starting Your Health Optimization Journey

    57:47 Future of Health and the Role of Conscious Health Summit


    Vanessa Bertinotti is a Swiss biohacker recognized for her integrated approach to biohacking, which combines science, technology, and natural practices to optimize well-being. Certified in hypnosis, Vanessa helps her clients establish new habits and overcome mental blocks that hinder change. She firmly believes that the unconscious plays a crucial role in individual choices and habits, and her work blends lifestyle improvement with deep inner awareness. For Vanessa, self-improvement also means respecting nature and contributing to collective well-being.

    With this vision, she created the independent podcast "Salute e Biohacking", a space where she interviews international experts and enthusiasts of personal growth and biohacking. Each episode delves into complex topics related to health and awareness, offering practical tools to empower listeners to take charge of their well-being. The podcast is available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. Most episodes are in Italian, but there are also interviews in English and French. Additionally, subtitles in all languages can be activated on YouTube.

    Vanessa offers consultations on biohacking, lifestyle improvement, and hypnosis sessions, both in-person and online. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠

    If you believe in a healthier, more mindful, and sustainable future, you can help spread knowledge and inspire change by supporting Vanessa’s work. Every donation contributes to building a movement for collective well-being.🔗 Donate now: ⁠⁠

    Thank you for being part of this journey toward a more mindful and harmonious life.

    With gratitude,Vanessa ❤️

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    1 時間 5 分

