
  • Episode 9 : Susan Guidi

    Karen Brown, Katie Martin, and Kikimouse discuss Karen's experiences growing up in a funeral home, her career in ultrasound, and her personal life. Karen's father was a funeral director, and she grew up in a funeral home, playing in the embalming room and even practicing the organ with a dead body in the room. She later pursued a career in ultrasound and faced challenge sand skepticism from doctors. She eventually became a pioneer in the field and traveled to Chile to teach ultrasound. Karen's personal life also had its ups and downs, including a marriage to a French-Chilean doctor. Overall, Karen's story is one of resilience and determination. In this part of the conversation, Kikimouse shares her experience of feeling trapped in her marriage and the journey of self-discovery and empowerment that followed. She discusses the challenges of being in a relationship with a pathologic narcissist and the impact it had on her self-esteem and identity. Kikimouse also talks about the process of unraveling her life and starting a new, including starting her own business and pursuing bodybuilding. She emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself and not letting societal expectations define one's worth. In this conversation, the guest shares her journey of self-discovery and empowerment after divorce. She discusses her experience with stand-up comedy, the importance of self-love, and the power of embracing one's age. The guest emphasizes the need for women to prioritize their own happiness and not settle for less. She also highlights the importance of open conversations about women's bodies and the menstrual cycle. Overall, the conversation encourages women to embrace their authenticity and live life on their own terms.

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  • Episode 10 : Crystal & The Catfish

    Crystal Woods, a single mother of three, shares her experience of being catfished and deceivedin a long-term relationship. She discusses the challenges of dating as a single parent and theimpact it has on her children. Crystal emphasizes the importance of authenticity and being trueto oneself in relationships. The conversation also touches on the complexities of blendingfamilies and the emotional toll it can take. Crystal's story serves as a reminder to approachdating with caution and to prioritize self-love and healing. Crystal Woods shares her journey ofleaving her marriage and entering the dating world as a single mom. She discusses her experience with Mormonism and how it influenced her desire for marriage and family. Crystal emphasizes the importance of finding a partner who shares common values and is willing to support and care for her. She also highlights the challenges of balancing the masculine and feminine roles in a relationship and the need for emotional connection and support. Crystal's story highlights the complexities of dating as a single parent and the desire for a fulfilling and equal partnership. Crystal discovers that her partner has been lying about his military service, leading to a shift in their relationship dynamics. She confronts him about it and decides to end the relationship. In this conversation, Crystal and Katie discuss the importance of trust and authenticity in relationships. They reflect on the experience of being lied to and deceived by partners, and the emotional toll it takes. They emphasize the need for individuals to do their own personal work and be honest with themselves and their partners. Crystal shares her journey of discovering her partner's lies and the impact it had on her and her children. They also discuss the importance of self-love and surrounding oneself with supportive friends. The conversation ends with a discussion on the importance of listening to one's intuition and being true to oneself.

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  • Episode 8 : Katie & Karen Style Agents

    The conversation covers a range of topics, including personal style, childhood influences, and the expertise of one of the speakers in personal styling. The conversation also delves into the unique bond and complementary nature of the speakers' friendship. The conversation delves into the transformative power of personal style and image, highlighting the impact of clothing and appearance on self-expression, confidence, and personal growth. It also addresses the challenges of being misunderstood and the importance of staying true to oneself despite external judgment. The hosts express their passion for helping individuals discover and embrace their authentic style, emphasizing the emotional and psychological significance of wardrobe choices.

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  • Episode 7 : Kiki Hurwitt

    In this conversation, Katie Martin, Karen Burke Brown, and Kiki Hurwitt discuss various topics including relationships, grief, resilience, and transformation. Kiki shares her inspiring story of overcoming challenges and transforming her life. The conversation touches on themes of narcissistic abuse, trauma bonding, and the healing process. Kiki's journey from a small town in North Dakota to corporate America to running a family business is explored. The conversation highlights the importance of friendship and support in navigating difficult times. Overall, the conversation offers hope and inspiration to listeners. Kiki discovers her husband's infidelity and hires an attorney to end the marriage. She takes revenge by getting rid of his belongings in a creative and cathartic way. After Kiki's divorce, she took drastic measures to remove her ex-husband from her life, including packing up all his belongings and getting rid of them. Fortunately, her neighbors were unaware of the situation. Kiki found support from a friend during this time and focused on taking care of herself and her son. In court, she was relieved when the judge ruled that she didn't have to pay for her ex-husband's damaged belongings. Kiki eventually found love again through online dating and married Dave, who she met on Match.com. They had a strong connection and quickly got engaged and married. In this final part of the conversation, Kiki and Katie discuss the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in personal growth and connection. They emphasize the power of being true to oneself and how it attracts like-minded people. Kiki shares her health journey and transformation, including her weight loss and focus on self-care. They also discuss the impact of social media and the importance of being intentional with the content we consume and create. The conversation ends with a message of encouragement to embrace authenticity and create positive change.

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  • Episode 6 : Kacey Stephens

    **Guest Bio:**

    Meet Kacey Stephens, a seasoned and certified Life Coach, Reiki Master & Teacher, and Intuitive Psychic Medium with over 35 years of experience in wellness and fitness. Certified in 200-hour Yoga, Kacey has been teaching dance, cardio, sculpt, and Pilates since the age of 15. Her extensive background also includes a BA in Psychology, which she integrates into her holistic approach to coaching.

    Kacey empowers individuals on their wellness journeys by blending powerful coaching distinctions, intuition, energy work, and spiritual connection. She helps clients release past narratives and embrace new perspectives to achieve their true desires. As an advocate for authenticity and gratitude, Kacey continuously evolves through her own growth and development with daily practices in meditation, reiki, and yoga, keeps current with her trainings, and immerses herself in the most up to date techniques in holistic wellness

    This August, Kacey is co-launching Shed65 in Annapolis, MD.
    𝗦𝗛𝗘𝗗 is dedicated to stress reduction and holistic wellness, offering infrared saunas, a stately cold plunge and salt cave, plus a variety of classes to promote mind, body, and spirit health. Kacey will be heading up and leading classes and programs geared to enrich and elevate people’s lives, not only in the Annapolis Community, but hopefully beyond.

    For more on Kacey's services, reach out to her at kstephens@zenfullyyours.com or follow her on Instagram at @energeticmuse. Stay updated on Shed65 at www.shed65.com.

    **Favorite Quote:**
    "Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." — Lao Tzu

    Her favorite Mantra jewelry:
    Use coupon code 112 to receive 15% off today!

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  • Katie's Relationship History

    Katie expresses trepidation over this episode being “bloody knuckles”

    Katie is apprehensive about her privacy being too exposed in this episode. The dance with having a very public social media account and still having boundaries around her private life.

    The point of this episode is how our common experiences in relationships have knitted us together as friends. And that everything is a lesson.

    WTF about how we keep learning the same lessons over and over and over in relationships.

    Katie shares her marriage story. Her relationship with her ex husband is really great. Uncommonly good. She’s proud of the friendship she has with him.

    Dating post divorce. Katie was bitter, angry, sad. And her life in the years after weren’t her finest.

    Three separate boyfriends that were several years each. All long distance relationships which felt a little safer because they weren’t in “her space.”

    Ignoring red flags left and right. Sacrificing precious time with her kids. Her guilt is so heavy.

    The live and learn in it is - no relationship is perfect but it should be better than to have to say daily, “no relationship is perfect.” Recognizing at what point its truly unhealthy and a dealbreaker.

    Discussing the versions of narcissism. And how that presents in various ways and what does it mean to “draw that to ourselves.” Why do we keep drawing the same into our life?

    Unpacking the dynamics of experiencing the narcissistic wheel. Love bombing… to the crazies… to the ending… back to the bomb.

    Karen is the most beautiful friend because there was never any shame in coming to her saying - it all fell apart AGAIN… and she never said “I told you so.”

    That is LOVE.

    Another beautiful piece of their friendship is Karen’s “How would you like me to respond…” answer to a cry for help. The hard truth? Or do you want me to make you feel better? Coach? Or cheerleader?

    Katie’s Overall lessons in relationship history…

    Lesson #1 - People pleasing and boundaries - what are we learning?

    Lesson #2 - Believe who someone is - the FIRST time they show you.

    Lesson #3 - When you RETURN to a known unhealthy relationship - you must admit to yourself - there’s something IN IT FOR YOU. You need to confront that if you want to not have it repeat.

    The gift at the end of it all was Katies friendship with Karen. Our similarities bonded us together. Karen held Katies hand through the last few years from a place of experience and acceptance.

    The growth is in sharing and moving out of the shame of it all and into the place that we are not alone.

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  • Episode 4: Karen’s Relationship History

    Karen discusses her tumultuous childhood which led her to make life altering decisions in her adult relationships. With 3 kids and a spouse in prison, Karen shares what kept her going and how finding love again wasn’t quite what it seemed.

    • Are you responsible for recognizing red flags? Karen speaks to the pain she experienced as a kid and how she navigates life overall-it makes you who you are. We’re a product of our experiences and bring you to NOW and to be thankful regardless.
    • Growing up one of 4 children, living in an alcoholic household which included many levels of abuse. Her parents divorced when she was 9 but adolescence was no better.
    • Karen describes being on her own and working regularly to buy the necessities including shampoo. No AC quite often, free lunch tickets and lived in a battered women’s shelter multiple times.
    • Karen’s ability to put multiple outfits together came from trying to stretch her wardrobe and not look like a poor kid. She made a career out of her ability to show up looking the part.
    • Knowing her childhood was temporary was something she was counting on because she wanted something more. More stability, more peace.
    • Abuse was rampant in her home between being physically abused as well as mentally, emotionally abused.
    • Karen’s mother was checked out emotionally and due to always working to survive, just wasn’t around. Sexual abuse was committed by a neighbor as a young child.
    • Karen married the “safe” choice who’d never had a drink and was what seemed to be a nurturer/hunter/gatherer type personality, hoping to choose someone who would build a life with her.
    • A white-collar crime put Karen’s husband in prison for 5 years, leaving her alone with 3 kids aged 4, 5, 13. Many months behind on rent, a car that was repossessed and selling most of her possessions was the new reality.
    • No time to deal with her own depression because of loss (her BIL, father, brother), Karen took on multiple jobs to make it work.
    • Karen then met a narcissist who appeared to be everything she needed when in fact he was 100% fake who was married 2x prior. Believing SHE was the one to love him better and SHE understood him. He was in fact, NOT that person.
    • Dating is off the table, Karen has had 3 relationships and is retired from dating! She’s convinced that people are NOT who they say they are. Katie is convinced that the only way to really know someone is when life gets hard. Who shows up then? The person who shows up when things are difficult are the REAL personalities in the relationship.
    • Feeling a sense of shame from being in a second marriage that then failed, Karen still looks back with a bit of a struggle because she made a life in spite of what she went through.
    • Your life is YOUR fault. You choose everything you have in this moment.
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  • Episode 3 Rachel Murray

    Episode 3 Rachel Murray

    Katie and Karen have a conversation with entertainment rockstar Rachel Murray where she
    discusses her early career and how she left a small town in Pennsylvania to travel the world and
    built an enviable career on her own terms. Rachel inspires us to design a life we love.
     Growing up in small town western PA, (Clarion) Rachel realized although she loved her
    town, she was a person who wanted more. She learned not to force your life but keep
    your foot on the gas and just go for your dreams!
     Whether you’re working in business, racing or on Broadway, dealing with a mixture of
    personalities, it’s important not to let things affect you that you don’t have control over.
     You’re not the star in everybody’s show and realizing that you’re only in control of you.
     Being in a performance space, and needing the validation from an audience, it’s an easy
    way to start doubting yourself.
     Working at the USO and the humbling experience she had with soldiers and the level of
    selflessness she was exposed to really changed her perspective. Understanding what’s
    important in life, offered incredible insight and perspective that changed her outlook for
     Rachel dives into the history of her career of wanting to live in NYC, and to be a
    performer. She felt led to follow her dreams knowing that she could outwork everyone
    around her.
     Rachel emotionally describes how “angels” in her life helped guide her career and open
    doors for her.
     Rachel always knew she was destined for more and just went for it!
     Rachel was introduced to the USO by a colleague as a consultant and it evolved into a
    full 10yr career serving our country’s heroes.
     She feels the USO experience was so fantastic that nothing will ever be as impactful in
    HER own life and she was creating memories for our nation’s heroes.
     Rachel describes transitioning out of her role with the USO knowing she had a gnawing
    sense to do something else, another adventure awaited. The decision to leave a
    worldclass organization was scary but she kept moving forward knowing there was
    something else she was supposed to do.
     Rachel describes what her hometown REALLY thought of her and being a “gypsy” and
    constantly being on the move. The importance of being ok with being misunderstood.
     Katie describes her own struggles with being misunderstood by having a career outside
    the norm. Her own parents were stable with same jobs and never wanted out of their
    town or to make a change. Coming from a place of love but not understanding Katie’s
    want to be doing other things.
     Katie proclaims that Rachel’s life was a permission slip to make big moves in her OWN
    life and take risks she really wanted.
     Rachel applauds Katie/Karen on their own communities and giving women the
    permission to be themselves!
     Male dominated fields are what Rachel is familiar with: from working with the USO,
    Formula Racing, etc. Learning to navigate that while being taken seriously.

     Discovering the power of social media and putting yourself out there unapologetically
    and how Katie has assisted Rachel in doing that.
     Katie references a podcast she was recently on who are shoulder surgeons and how fun
    social media can be by just being YOU.
     Rachel explains how she’s discovered it’s important to NOT be defined by WHAT you
    do. Who you ARE is not WHAT you do for a living.
     Karen says her takeaway from Rachel and how’s she lived is that WE CAN DO
     Rachel discusses how her experience in raising money for the USO taught her how to
    establish relationships in the market.
     Rachel describes having a childhood friend whose son was a phenom racer. Hunter
    Yeany was the youngest formula 4 champion who needed representation in the media
    and branding.

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