• This one skill creates more weight loss than any other

    Have you ever found yourself staring at an empty plate, wondering, “Have I had enough, or should I go for seconds?” Maybe you’ve felt that little twinge of fear—what if I get hungry before the next meal? Or perhaps you just can’t shake the urge to keep eating, even when you know you’re full.

    Why is it so tricky to tune into our body's natural signals? Could it be that years of diets and shame have disconnected us from our own wisdom? How do we get back to trusting ourselves and our bodies?

    In today’s episode, we’ll cover why your fullness cues might feel like a mystery, why rules aren't the answer, and how to get curious with some simple experiments to lighten up the “should’s” and gather real data to help you reacquaint yourself with your body's signals.

    So, are you ready to stop the struggle and start syncing with your body’s signals?

    Aw yeah, let’s go!


    BOOK: You Are A Miracle

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  • Winning the Ups and Downs of Weight Loss

    Have you ever felt like you're pedaling uphill on your weight loss journey, only to find yourself slipping back into those old unhealthy habits? Why does it seem so easy to fall into the same patterns, even after you've made so much progress?

    The reason why is because we've been conditioned to believe weight loss is an all-or-nothing ride, where the slightest wobble can send us spiraling backward.

    Today we’re talking about why it’s easy to fall back into old habits, how that all-or-nothing mindset sabotages our efforts, and how negative self-talk that slows us down faster than hitting the brakes on a bike.

    Best of all, we’ll talk about how you can break free by learning to adjust your pace—whether it’s a leisurely pedal or a full sprint. You’ll discover how to navigate your weight loss journey with more flexibility and less frustration.

    Ready to ride your way to a better perspective?

    Here we go!


    BOOK: You Are A Miracle

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    20 分
  • Stop Holding Yourself Back

    Have you ever felt like you were finally making progress with your weight loss journey, only to find yourself holding back, waiting for that "other shoe to drop"? You know, that fear that all your hard work is just a temporary blip on the radar? It's like your mind is playing a cruel trick on you, keeping you from fully embracing the positive changes you're making.

    Why is it so hard to let ourselves feel good about our accomplishments? This can show up in work or relationships too. Why is it that feeling good about your achievements—whether it's weight loss or any other area of life—can sometimes be scarier than staying stuck?

    Is it because we're afraid of jinxing things? Or is there something deeper at play?

    Today, we're diving into the hidden reasons why feeling good can feel dangerous, and how to recognize when you’re hitting your own upper limits. We'll cover the root causes of this fear, the signs to watch out for, and practical strategies to help you break free from its grip.

    Are you ready to stop sabotaging your success and start embracing the positive feelings in your life?

    Aw yeah, here we go!


    BOOK: You Are A Miracle

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  • Celebrating 100 Episodes with Special Guest Corinne Crabtree

    Have you ever had an idea for something that totally scared you and you were absolutely certain that the idea is way above your pay grade. But then there’s a little voice that says…what if I try?

    And of course immediately your rational voice comes back online and says “What are you thinking? That’ll never work. No one will listen to you.”

    And yet that little voice has a quiet tenacity and persistence. And you begin to think…what if I try?

    Today is a celebration of that voice inside your head. The quiet one that whispers - not the loud one that’s shouting at you most of the time. That voice that is the narrator of your dreams. That voice that speaks from your authenticity. That voice that is the representation of your Divine uniqueness that is meant to be expressed and the reason why you’re here in this lifetime. It is that voice that whispers “You are meant to shine”.

    We are celebrating that voice today because this is the 100th episode of the Confident Body Podcast and this podcast would never have been a thing if I hadn’t listened to the little whisper that said “what if I try?” because let me tell you, the loud voice of insecurity and doubt and imposter syndrome was loud and proud when I first thought of starting a podcast. And yet here we are.

    And to celebrate this milestone with me today is a very special guest. Someone who has had a huge impact on me. She’s helped me a lot in my own journey in weight loss and learning to love myself. And I’ve also learned so much from her, just by watching, listening, and observing.

    Joining me on the podcast today is Corinne Crabtree:

    • Creator of the No BS Weightloss program and membership consisting of thousands of amazing women.
    • She is the host of the Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne podcast.
    • Creator of …I don’t …15ish different weight loss courses within her membership. There’s so many and they’re all awesome.
    • She also has a FREE, easy, step by step course to help you get started, and that alone has helped thousands of women lose weight. You can find that at nobsweightloss.com/free-course.
    • She’s a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, a CEO, oh and she’s also my boss. (See I told ya she was smart. She hired me!)

    Some of the topics we covered include:

    • What as different for her the LAST time she lost weight.
    • The one thing that gets in the way when smart women know "what" to do but have a hard time actually doing it.
    • The 4 reasons why we eat and why emotional eating trips us up so much.
    • Specific action steps for perfectionists and people pleasers.

    Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I am so excited to share with you my conversation with the one and only Corinne Crabtree.

    (Oh hey, real quick. You know that I’m all about encouraging you to be you, and shine your light. Well Corinne is a southern, sassy talking gal so there’s some adult language in this episode. So if you’ve got little ears nearby, it might be time to pause and go grab your headphones.)

    Let’s go!!

    Learn more about Corinne:

    Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne

    No BS Weightloss Membership Program

    Unlock the Secrets to Losing 100 Pounds FREE Course



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  • The Urge Equation

    Have you ever stared at that tempting treat, your brain practically drooling with desire, and felt like a tug-of-war was happening inside your head? One side is screaming, "Just one bite!" while the other whispers, "Think of your goals." It's like your brain is having a personal wrestling match, right?

    It's that all-too-familiar struggle where your willpower is pitted against your cravings, and yeah, it's really tempting to give in.

    But why is it so tough to sit with that discomfort and allow the urge? What if there was a way to show your brain just how much payoff you are - or are NOT - getting in the momentary satisfaction of giving in?

    In today’s episode, we’re diving into the concept of "quantifying the suck" as a tool to help you along the way to behavior change.

    We’ll cover how to dip your toe into the water of the discomfort zone, how change actually happens, and ask yourself if you’re being real with your expectations of yourself.

    Are you ready to crunch the numbers and conquer your cravings?

    Aw yeah! Here we go!

    Learn more!


    You Are A Miracle book

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  • Mind Over Munchies

    Have you ever found yourself staring at the fridge after a long day, feeling like a walking, talking zombie, and the only thing that sounds remotely appealing is a pint of ice cream?

    Yeah, me too.

    We've all been there - overwhelmed, exhausted, and reaching for comfort in the form of food. It’s like our brains are on autopilot, screaming, “I NEED RELIEF NOW!”

    Sometimes that voice is so loud, the food is already in your mouth or long gone before you even “wake up” and wonder “Wow, did I really need to eat that?”

    But what if those moments of weakness were actually golden opportunities?

    Today, we’re turning the script on those impulse food grabs. We'll uncover the sneaky ways our thinking hijacks our willpower and explore practical strategies to reclaim control. Get ready to transform those split-second decisions from moments of self sabotage to opportunities to trust yourself.

    Ready to find relief and resilience?

    Aw yeah ya are! Let’s do this!

    Learn more!


    You Are A Miracle book

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  • The Excuse Trap: Why We Make Excuses and How to Break Free

    Have you ever had a plan to work out today, only to get caught up in things and you technically have time but somehow it just doesn’t get done? You know the drill, that pesky inner voice starts singing its excuse song on repeat: "I'm too drained," "Work was a nightmare," or the all-time favorite, "Maybe I'll just adult harder tomorrow."

    Ugh, excuses! We all make them, but the question is, are they really calling the shots? I am here to tell you, excuses are normal. They’re normal! Expect them…but they don't have to hold you hostage.

    In this episode, we'll cover how to spot those sneaky excuses, learn to anticipate them, and most importantly, how to challenge them and show up for yourself regardless of what your brain is telling you.

    So are you sick of excuses sabotaging your progress? It's time to ditch the drama and get after it like you know you’re capable of.

    Strap in, because we're about to get real about what's holding you back.

    Let’s go!!

    Learn more!


    You Are A Miracle book

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  • Is Your Mindset Holding You Back?

    Have you ever felt like your brain is a broken record, stuck on a loop of negativity? You know, the kind that whispers things like, "This workout iss too hard, skip it. I should choose a salad but that’s so boring." Or the sneakier more insidious kind of self-talk like “I want to lose 50 lbs, that’ll take forever!” “I’m working so hard, and the scale is hardly moving. Why bother?!?

    My friend, I’ve been there and I have sung that sad, depressing inner monologue. But what if I told you that you're not stuck with that soundtrack?

    Today, we are talking about the power of mindset. We'll cover how your thoughts shape the way you see the world, as well as a specific tool you can use to shift that negativity bias and unlock a whole new level of resilience and adaptability.

    So, are you ready to ditch the Debbie Downer in your head and start rocking a mindset that not only helps you achieve your goals, but helps you just enjoy your life more?

    Well buckle up buttercup, because this episode is about how to change the way you think, and that my friend, can change everything!

    Who’s ready? Who’s fired up?

    I sure am! Let’s go!

    Learn more!


    Book: You Are A Miracle

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