
  • Ep. 232 - June 13, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Thursday, June 13, 2024.

    00:19: Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Quadcopter Controller: A Practical Approach and Experiments

    01:48: LLM-Driven Robots Risk Enacting Discrimination, Violence, and Unlawful Actions

    03:33: Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Scenarios Based on Graph Neural Network and Numerical Optimization

    05:14: OmniH2O: Universal and Dexterous Human-to-Humanoid Whole-Body Teleoperation and Learning

    06:39: Human-Robot Interface for Teleoperated Robotized Planetary Sample Collection and Assembly

    08:10: Language-Driven Closed-Loop Grasping with Model-Predictive Trajectory Replanning

    10:02: Adaptive Actor-Critic Based Optimal Regulation for Drift-Free Uncertain Nonlinear Systems

    11:09: Direct Imitation Learning-based Visual Servoing using the Large Projection Formulation

    12:17: Beyond the Frontier: Predicting Unseen Walls from Occupancy Grids by Learning from Floor Plans

    13:28: AutomaChef: A Physics-informed Demonstration-guided Learning Framework for Granular Material Manipulation

    14:34: EHAZOP: A Proof of Concept Ethical Hazard Analysis of an Assistive Robot

    15:31: OpenVLA: An Open-Source Vision-Language-Action Model

    17:51: Hands-free teleoperation of a nearby manipulator through a virtual body-to-robot link

    19:23: Teleoperation of a robotic manipulator in peri-personal space: a virtual wand approach

    21:05: RoTipBot: Robotic Handling of Thin and Flexible Objects using Rotatable Tactile Sensors

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    23 分
  • Ep. 231 - June 12, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

    00:19: Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Swarm Confrontation with High Uncertainty

    01:35: 100 Drivers, 2200 km: A Natural Dataset of Driving Style toward Human-centered Intelligent Driving Systems

    03:08: Undergraduate Robotics Education with General Instructors using a Student-Centered Personalized Learning Framework

    05:12: Metasensor: a proposal for sensor evolution in robotics

    05:55: Highly agile flat swimming robot

    06:56: Design, modeling, and characteristics of ringshaped robot actuated by functional fluid

    08:15: Chemistry3D: Robotic Interaction Benchmark for Chemistry Experiments

    09:49: Learning-based Traversability Costmap for Autonomous Off-road Navigation

    10:59: A Hybrid Task-Constrained Motion Planning for Collaborative Robots in Intelligent Remanufacturing

    12:41: Review of Autonomous Mobile Robots for the Warehouse Environment

    13:50: Trajectory optimization of tail-sitter considering speed constraints

    14:55: Utilizing Navigation Path to Generate Target Point for Enhanced End-to-End Autonomous Driving Planning

    16:05: PRIBOOT: A New Data-Driven Expert for Improved Driving Simulations

    17:41: AToM-Bot: Embodied Fulfillment of Unspoken Human Needs with Affective Theory of Mind

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    19 分
  • Ep. 230 - June 11, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

    00:19: GPU-Accelerated Optimization-Based Collision Avoidance

    01:14: Optimal Gait Design for a Soft Quadruped Robot via Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization

    02:27: Optimal Gait Control for a Tendon-driven Soft Quadruped Robot by Model-based Reinforcement Learning

    03:45: A Neck Orthosis with Multi-Directional Variable Stiffness for Persons with Dropped Head Syndrome

    04:59: 3D Voxel Maps to 2D Occupancy Maps for Efficient Path Planning for Aerial and Ground Robots

    06:31: OTO Planner: An Efficient Only Travelling Once Exploration Planner for Complex and Unknown Environments

    07:51: Instruct Large Language Models to Drive like Humans

    09:20: Realistic Data Generation for 6D Pose Estimation of Surgical Instruments

    11:07: iMESA: Incremental Distributed Optimization for Collaborative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

    12:05: Improving the realism of robotic surgery simulation through injection of learning-based estimated errors

    13:33: BAKU: An Efficient Transformer for Multi-Task Policy Learning

    14:51: A3VLM: Actionable Articulation-Aware Vision Language Model

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    16 分
  • Ep. 229 - June 10, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Monday, June 10, 2024.

    00:19: WoCoCo: Learning Whole-Body Humanoid Control with Sequential Contacts

    01:52: Navigation and 3D Surface Reconstruction from Passive Whisker Sensing

    02:49: Influence of Motion Restrictions in an Ankle Exoskeleton on Gait Kinematics and Stability in Straight Walking

    04:03: Sim-To-Real Transfer for Visual Reinforcement Learning of Deformable Object Manipulation for Robot-Assisted Surgery

    05:34: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Tiltrotor Quadrotors with Feasible Control Allocation

    06:51: Stabilized Adaptive Steering for 3D Sonar Microphone Arrays with IMU Sensor Fusion

    07:53: Human Gaze and Head Rotation during Navigation, Exploration and Object Manipulation in Shared Environments with Robots

    09:01: A quantitative investigation for deployment of mobile collaborative robots in high-value manufacturing

    11:05: Multicam-SLAM: Non-overlapping Multi-camera SLAM for Indirect Visual Localization and Navigation

    12:22: An Empirical Design Justice Approach to Identifying Ethical Considerations in the Intersection of Large Language Models and Social Robotics

    14:02: Notes on Various Errors and Jacobian Derivations for SLAM

    15:49: Notes on Kalman Filter (KF, EKF, ESKF, IEKF, IESKF)

    16:45: Towards Real-World Efficiency: Domain Randomization in Reinforcement Learning for Pre-Capture of Free-Floating Moving Targets by Autonomous Robots

    18:01: Demonstrating HumanTHOR: A Simulation Platform and Benchmark for Human-Robot Collaboration in a Shared Workspace

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    20 分
  • Ep. 228 - June 9, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Sunday, June 09, 2024.

    00:19: A Superalignment Framework in Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models

    02:03: FlightBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Spatial Planning Methods for Quadrotors

    03:21: Towards A General-Purpose Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using Fluid Dynamics

    05:14: TR2MTL: LLM based framework for Metric Temporal Logic Formalization of Traffic Rules

    06:35: Fast and Certifiable Trajectory Optimization

    08:16: MAP-ADAPT: Real-Time Quality-Adaptive Semantic 3D Maps

    09:38: Differentiable Discrete Elastic Rods for Real-Time Modeling of Deformable Linear Objects

    10:59: Open-Vocabulary Part-Based Grasping

    12:15: Visual-Inertial SLAM as Simple as A, B, VINS

    13:24: LOP-Field: Brain-inspired Layout-Object-Position Fields for Robotic Scene Understanding

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    15 分
  • Ep. 227 - June 9, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Saturday, June 08, 2024.

    00:19: Metaverse for Safer Roadways: An Immersive Digital Twin Framework for Exploring Human-Autonomy Coexistence in Urban Transportation Systems

    01:47: A preprocessing-based planning framework for utilizing contacts in high-precision insertion tasks

    03:20: Trust the PRoC3S: Solving Long-Horizon Robotics Problems with LLMs and Constraint Satisfaction

    04:48: Toward Autonomous Driving by Musculoskeletal Humanoids: A Study of Developed Hardware and Learning-Based Software

    05:52: A Survey on Hybrid Motion Planning Methods for Automated Driving Systems

    07:33: Distributed Motion Control of Multiple Mobile Manipulator System with Disturbance and Communication Delay

    08:42: Cross Language Soccer Framework: An Open Source Framework for the RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation

    09:58: Observation Denoising in CYRUS Soccer Simulation 2D Team For RoboCup 2024

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    11 分
  • Ep. 226 - June 7, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Friday, June 07, 2024.

    00:19: A Hybrid-Layered System for Image-Guided Navigation and Robot Assisted Spine Surgery

    01:58: Underactuated Control of Multiple Soft Pneumatic Actuators via Stable Inversion

    03:03: Scaling Motion Planning Infeasibility Proofs

    04:05: TEDi Policy: Temporally Entangled Diffusion for Robotic Control

    04:57: Optimal path planning and weighted control of a four-arm robot in on-orbit servicing

    06:11: Deep Learning Powered Estimate of The Extrinsic Parameters on Unmanned Surface Vehicles

    07:14: SLR: Learning Quadruped Locomotion without Privileged Information

    08:24: Auto-Multilift: Distributed Learning and Control for Cooperative Load Transportation With Quadrotors

    10:01: InstructNav: Zero-shot System for Generic Instruction Navigation in Unexplored Environment

    11:35: A Modular Framework for Flexible Planning in Human-Robot Collaboration

    12:33: Sim-to-real Transfer of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents for Online Coverage Path Planning

    13:57: Robotic in-hand manipulation with relaxed optimization

    15:09: Experimental Evaluation of ROS-Causal in Real-World Human-Robot Spatial Interaction Scenarios

    16:45: Designs for Enabling Collaboration in Human-Machine Teaming via Interactive and Explainable Systems

    18:23: I2EDL: Interactive Instruction Error Detection and Localization

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    20 分
  • Ep. 225 - June 6, 2024

    ArXiv Robotics research for Thursday, June 06, 2024.

    00:19: Phase-Amplitude Reduction-Based Imitation Learning

    01:28: RoboCoder: Robotic Learning from Basic Skills to General Tasks with Large Language Models

    02:54: Touch100k: A Large-Scale Touch-Language-Vision Dataset for Touch-Centric Multimodal Representation

    04:43: Bench2Drive: Towards Multi-Ability Benchmarking of Closed-Loop End-To-End Autonomous Driving

    06:48: A Survey of Language-Based Communication in Robotics

    08:14: Data-driven Explainable Controller for Soft Robots based on Recurrent Neural Networks

    09:45: Redundancy-aware Action Spaces for Robot Learning

    10:58: MARLander: A Local Path Planning for Drone Swarms using Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning

    12:12: Text-to-Drive: Diverse Driving Behavior Synthesis via Large Language Models

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    14 分