My birthday message - 33 lessons from 33 years of living and learning.
Nobody likes you when you're twenty-three. Why? Because as I sit down to write this, I'm actually surprised I didn't write it ten years ago. I had a lot to say in my early twenties. The problem is, who wants to get life advice from a 23-year-old? Hopefully, no one.
Well, what about thirty-three? It's a weird spot. Not old, but not exactly youthful either. I guess age is relative.
Interestingly, regardless of age, most people believe who they are right now is who they'll be in the future. Research shows that for groups aged 18 to 68, people describe more change occurring in the past decade than they would have predicted ten years ago [1].
For example, researchers asked 33-year-olds how much they believed they would change in the next ten years and compared their responses with the changes 43-year-olds reported having made in the past ten years. Young, middle-aged, and older people believed they had changed a lot in the past but would change relatively little in the future. We don't think our personalities, values, and choices will change much, but they often do.
And that makes sense. You shouldn't be the same person you were ten years ago. You shouldn't even be the same person you were one year ago. Life is about progress. It's why every year, on my birthday, I take inventory of the previous twelve months. What have I accomplished? How much have I grown and changed? What have I learned?
I want to expand that further this year. What do I have to say after 33 years? Here are 33 lessons. Enjoy.
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